Samsung 42" plasma

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Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Jul 14, 2005
I know this is a directv forum but there is a lot of expertise here. I have 2 HR10-250 DVR's, 1 HD samsung receiver and 1 hughes SD 35 hour DVR. For tv's, I have a BenQ PE8700 projector set at 92" widescreen , 26" Panasonic widescreen HD LCD, 20" 4/3 BenQ HD LCD and 36" Sony picture tube XBR respectively. I'm interested in a 42" or 50" plasma to replace the Sony. Panasonic is my first choice but I'm seeing sales on Samsung. Question is; What is the difference between Samsung HPR4252 and HPR4262. Or, is there a loud consensus to pay extra for Panasonic 42" HD plasma?
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