I ordered a sat system form them and don't know if it is being shipped? everytime a called it just rings or they person that answers can't seem to help me. I am pissed what can be done?
yep..they are real..that is where i got mine from. It took a little longer than i would've hoped for but i got it about 2 weeks after i ordered it....but i got it...
Yes, they are real, maybe sometime they are real slow to response.
I had have a request for RA number for one of my customer month ago, and have not get the response yet.
Since I was involed in other business and trying to work less on satellite, now its more work then ever for a start up business, so I only pick what is the reconize mail to read and as long as I know, there more junk mails around each day, don't know its me or what, it seems there over hundred of junk mails everyday.
Hope Satdoun will reply to me if they see this message.