Yesterday was an interesting day for me, relative to the RTN signal. I've gone for months having no problems with RTN, and seeing almost no changes in the apparent signal strength. Then 2 days ago, they did seem to raise their signal a little bit, but then it dropped, and raised, and dropped. I think they must have been adjusting their signal level to compensate for the rain at the uplink site.
But yesterday, the signal was pretty much back to normal, so I started watching the signal for a while on my Twinhan, via TSREADER. All of a sudden, the little video thumbprints all pixilated, and were completely unviewable. So I went to my Diamond 9000, which controls my dish. Signal was still good there, but I went into the DiseqC-1.2 window to see if I could peak the dish a bit.
I told it to go one or two clicks in one direction (I forget which way). My signal got worse (65%Q down to about 55%Q), however instantly, the signal cleared up on the TSREADER display. First time I've ever seen quality go down but the actual picture quality improve. Before doing this, I had done a spectrum scan, and the RTN signal was actually a bit higher than the other two signals. Did another scan, and there was no difference. However I DID notice that all the peaks seemed to be shifted a bit to higher frequency. I tuned the RTN signal in with the Broadlogic control app, and it showed that the actual freq corresponded to 11737.5 . Since all the signals seemed shifted, I'm assuming that it was actually that my Invacom LNBF's LO freq was drifting badly. At this point, I went back, and tried to repeat my experiment with de-tuning the dish aim, but I couldn't repeat that for some reason. Things seemed to be back to where the Twinhan was getting good reception when the quality was maxed again. I played with the Broadlogic control app for a while on known, and the freq offset seemed to come back to about 1.2 MHz, which is where it is today.
So anyway, it seems that my problems with the Twinhan are related to the frequency drift of my Invacom. I've seen it drift a bit before, but usually not that much, and it seems to be pretty much STAYING off freq now. The last coupld days have seen the hottest temperatures of the year, in the low 80's.... I know, not very hot, but it's the first time since early May that we've crossed 80. I'm almost thinking that it's more humidity related than temperature related. The dew point has been very high, and I don't think these lnbfs are sealed well enough to keep humidity out.
Anyway, unless some dry weather brings this thing back, this may be my second Invacom to go bad.
But I'm still confused by the thing of de-aligning the dish to lower signal quality giving me better picture quality during the maximum off freq drift???? Probably just a quirk, and not real.