Once you learn E2, its pretty nice. I am using it on my Dreamboxes, and I tried an earlier build on my azbox, they were very nearly identical. Glad to hear they got blindscan going on the Azbox, too. Blindscan on my Dreamboxes is pretty good, long as you use the slowest scan speed it doesn't miss anything. Takes upwards of 10 minutes to blindscan a sat, but it works.
And goodness sakes, if you like the idea of user-customizable satellite receivers, Dreambox/Azbox E2-type stuff just cannot be beat. Coming from an Openbox type FW to E2 based stuff is a serious jump. I spent a good bit of time learning it, and I am far from mastering it, even after almost a year. Best thing I like about it is that the recording just works. No matter the feed, no matter the bitrate, it WORKS. Press record and it RECORDS. As much as we FTA guys have struggled with the seemingly simple act of recording something...E2 type FW has it DOWN.