Rose among thorns...

Well dr bob I guess your the all around company man that will put your company ahead of your customer right? Seems to me that youve lost the idea of what customer service means wich is to take care of your customer even if it means directing them to another service that will work for them when yours wont.

But to get back to the idea of what this thread is about, any monkey off the street can be taught how to string a cable line along a wall, but a person that gives a damn about his work and has the time to put in to it will make sure that there are no sags along that 35 foot length on the outside of his customers home.

Its common practice for many companies to direct customers to another competitor if they are not able to meet the needs the customer has. Best Buy does it for example, theres a super market chain in the midwest called miejer that has taken products back in its return line that it didnt even sell, the company founder even wrote about how he did this in his biography. Looking out for your customers best interest is true customer service, pushing your customer into something they dont want or dont need makes you nothing more than a sleazy weasel of a used car salesman.
Well apparently Dr. Bob is a fan of the 'hit-and-run' mentality. Just get the customer to sign on the dotted line and then who cares what happens, you got the sale. I personally think that in this day and age people are tired of that and are alot smarter too.

I'm not saying I do this kind of thing for every customer. This particular couple lived in what was probably a $500,000 home, and as soon as I got there had alot of questions about what they were getting into.

I believe if a product is good enough, it will sell itself, I shouldn't have to mislead or lie. I told him that he would only get a handful of HD channels, his locals wouldn't be in HD and neither would speedvision. I told him about where I would mount the dish, how I would run the wires, and how much his bill would be for the first 6 months and then the other 12 months. To me thats black and white.

If they asked me who I prefered, obviously I would have said Dish Network, but because it fits my needs. It's different for everybody.

I prefer the mentality that once I meet a customer, they belong to me. I did the work, and I'll stand by it. All my customers get my card with my personal cell phone number on it and I tell them to call me if they have any more questions. That's just who I am. Call me what you will, the customers appreciate it and in a close-knit area such as this, I am a firm believer in word of mouth sales.
Jason for one I applaud you. :) :) :)

As I get older I am getting more and more disenchanted with the "customer service" of many companies. Just try to find a human being that will listen and then at least attempt to solve a problem. I almost blow up when I hear the term "escalate" the problem. Guess what its already escalated thats why I called dummy. Don't escalate it fix it!!

Its too bad some are trying to belittle your approach--they are obviously more the problem than the solution
I'm sorry Jason, I just assumed that you were working for, or you had a choice of choosing the "Best" Service for your area, and that you had chosen the "Best" Service for your area. :o I guess you are working for the wrong folks huh... :rolleyes:

You see, I chose the "Best" Service for my area, and I do "Show" the Client what is the best, and then I let them make the decision as to what they feel they want...

I am a dealer for D* & E* and if the Client feels that Cable is the best, and we cannot please the Client, then we have no choice but to allow them to choose Cable... If they feel that E* is better, we allow them to have E*, and if they only want a Radio, we allow them to buy the Radio only...

The point that I was trying to make, you missed!!! So there is no convincing you, or the rest of the folks that missed the point as well... RONTGLMAO....

Have a nice life!!!
vurbano said:
Comcast quality in many areas of the country is far better than satellite. D*'s quality is about the worst HD you can get at this time. I dont see how an installer could advise someone to get satellite in those areas unless the issue was sunday ticket. The best buy vs CC arguements dont hold water, they both sell the same products. And Ford and Chevy are both fine products as well. IMO, Car buyers do research and make their own decisions anyway, unless they are fools. What is disturbing is that at some point the potential customer must ask you what is best and you tell them satellite. In some cases Im sure thats true, but in some cases you are lying to them. Some people would call that dishonest thankgod:rolleyes:

PS: Vurbano, we already know that you don't know what you are talking about, nor do you read and comprehend what is written, so the question is why do you bother typing anything???? I never lie to anybody Vurbano, I wouldn't waste my time... And I'm not going to waste my time on you anymore either Vurbano :smug
I can not believe I am supporting Vurbano but DR Bob must have perscribed himself some bad drugs and should be put into a rehab. I believe it used to be called a free vacation.

Also I wish he would change his font and stop yelling!
Doctor Bob said:
PS: Vurbano, we already know that you don't know what you are talking about, nor do you read and comprehend what is written, so the question is why do you bother typing anything???? I never lie to anybody Vurbano, I wouldn't waste my time... And I'm not going to waste my time on you anymore either Vurbano :smug

Typical-they are losing the debate and the insults begin. You never lie? You are the a few posts back that said if you work for a company you sell what that company has regardless.
Doctor Bob said:
I am a dealer for D* & E* and if the Client feels that Cable is the best, and we cannot please the Client, then we have no choice but to allow them to choose Cable...

How noble of you, to allow a customer to make their own decisions based on the obviously slanted information you (and your firm) are feeding them.
W_Tracy_Parnell said:
Typical-they are losing the debate and the insults begin. You never lie? You are the a few posts back that said if you work for a company you sell what that company has regardless.
I guess Mr. Bob's statements wouldn't be lying if he and his staff were to brainwash themselves into thinking satellite was superior to cable in all cases, and completely ignore logic and common sense as a personal attack upon their person and products. As much as I like my E* service with 942 and the VOOM HD Pak, I recently recommended to a fellow coworker that he upgrade to the D* HD DVR - it made the best sense for both his viewing habits and pocketbook. If his cable company would have offer better pricing and programming for his specific needs, then I would have gladly recommend that he give them a try since there are no upfront costs or obligation. Likewise, when Verizon FiOS comes to town in the near future I will gladly tell him to dump the dish and get FiOS if they deliver on their programming, pricing, and commitment to reliable service. Two things I can always count on in my area: my landline and cell phone ALWAYS work. I would expect no less with their broadband and TV service.

Anyway, what I am saying! :eek: This is a SatelliteGuys forum so Satellite is the Cat's Meow and everything else is pure rubbish. :rolleyes:
Doctor Bob said:
It has nothing to do with honesty!!! It's a simple mater of "Quality", over the Cable Companies, and the prices are pretty close... The idea is that if you work for the Cable Companies, then you promote the Cable Companies... If you work for the Satellite Companies, then you promote the Satellite Companies... Have some "Team Spirit"!!!

Have some credibility about yourself, for heavens sake!!! LOL If you worked for Ford, would you promote Chevy, or how about if you worked for Circuit City, would you send people to Best Buy???? :no NO YOU WOULD NOT, so why would you turn your back on your own Industry??? Get a Grip Guys!!!
So Dr. Bob,
I guess what you're saying is one should ride for the "Brand". In other words, if you work for the Devil, you should be Devilish!

I just found out that the sales department has recieved two calls from customers who want Dish Network, but only if Jason installs it. ;) They said if Jason doesn't install it, they don't want it.

See? My reputation precedes me. :)
After reading through this I have decided to say two things...

"The customer is always right" :)

"Bob, you have the ability to use a smaller font" :D

Just my 2 cents...

What happened to DBS Service Desk?

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