RIP George Carlin

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DINFOS Trained Killer
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 13, 2005
daytona beach
sad news to report, comic george carlin, died sunday evening from heart failure. he was 71.

i saw him live in daytona years ago and laughed so hard, my sides were hurting for days after. carlin pushed comedy to the edge in the 1970's and created a few wonderful characters along the faves being biff burns and the hippy dippy weather man. and, of course, who could forget the 7 deadly words you couldn't say on television. he was a comic genius and just, plain funny.
One of my favorites was "words you do not use anymore" People don't vomit today, rather they experience involuntary personal protein spills.

He'll be missed.
Yes very sad news indeed.
DANGIT! One of my favorites!:(

RIP George.

Today will be a GC marathon on the Zune player.:up

i wish i still had his albums. might need to take a trip downtown and see if my friend with the used record store has any of his in stock!
I have a cd version of his first album where there are no curse words at all and I still laugh everytime I hear it.
I'll always remember his "Baseball vs. Football" routine:

[SIZE=-1]Football has hitting, clipping, spearing, piling on, personal fouls, late hitting and unnecessary roughness.
Baseball has the sacrifice.

[SIZE=-1]Football is played in any kind of weather: rain, snow, sleet, hail, fog...
In baseball, if it rains, we don't go out to play.

[SIZE=-1]Baseball has the seventh inning stretch.
Football has the two minute warning.

I could go on and on...
One of my favorite Carlin lines was about gas station bathrooms of all things. "Why do they lock them? Are they afraid someone is going to break in and clean it?"
this is al sleet, your hippy dippy weatherman or my fave
biff burns here with the biff burns sportlight spotlight spotlighting sports in the sportlight spotlight!! or

nixon sends humphrey abroad
RIP George Carlin, I already miss ya!

I was lucky enough to see him some years ago, and actually just watched his latest HBO special I had recorded, this past week. He was still a very funny guy at 70.
.. but the weather radar is also picking up a squadron of incoming Soviet ICBMs, so I wouldn't sweat the thunderstorms......
One of the funniest people I've ever seen. I'll miss him. Sure would be cool if HBO spent a day replaying the specials he did on HBO. Must be about 25 of them.
One of the funniest people I've ever seen. I'll miss him. Sure would be cool if HBO spent a day replaying the specials he did on HBO. Must be about 25 of them.

HBO2 started with them last night...tonight an tomorrow night as well. Most are showing at least twice, so you might not have missed all of last night.
NBC will be showing the first SNL this week with George Carlin this Saturday night at 11:30 eastern.
I almost sub'd to HBO for this, figuring I could cnx later. Wife vetoed it, reminding me the last couple of performances really weren't that good. Oh, well, haven't got the time anyway. The SNL will have to do.
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