Google search results,
"contains all these words"
Calipari + sleazy: 9,670 pages
Pitino + sleazy: 1,670 pages
Calipari has Pitino beat, six to one.
And 357 of the 1,670 "Pitino + Sleazy" pages also include the word, "Calipari", so they are not necessarily laying that term on Pitino
Calipari + slick 6,700 pages
Pitino + slick 8,810 pages
In fairness to Pitino, since slick rhymes with Rick, it did become a nickname that was used in contexts other than recruiting.
And as a reference:
(AntAltMike's real last name) + slick, 6,860 pages
(AntAltMike's real last name) + sleazy 1,810 pages
Someone with my relatively uncommon last name is a producer, and so comparing slickness of productions in his field is not an ethical slur but is, rather, a commonly evaluated professional assessment.