NBC is on a roll lately...
The Event, Heroes, Kidnapped (Kraven recommended on Netflix), Revolution. All shows are based on great ideas but NBC dropped the ball on all of them
with overly complexed storylines which go away from the central plot (Heroes s2-3-4 and Revolution S2), too long "mid season breaks" which kills momentum (The Event) and a horrible Friday night time slot (Kidnapped).
Don't know who's running the show over there at NBC but some folks need a good kick in the arse.
Frustrated? Extremely!
Surprised? None in the least.
The Event, Heroes, Kidnapped (Kraven recommended on Netflix), Revolution. All shows are based on great ideas but NBC dropped the ball on all of them
with overly complexed storylines which go away from the central plot (Heroes s2-3-4 and Revolution S2), too long "mid season breaks" which kills momentum (The Event) and a horrible Friday night time slot (Kidnapped).
Don't know who's running the show over there at NBC but some folks need a good kick in the arse.
Frustrated? Extremely!
Surprised? None in the least.