Here are some other things I've found in a few hours of playing with the receiver.
First, the remote control has a terribly narrow range of angles at which it will work reliably. If you look at where the "signal" LED is on the front panel, you can see that it's set VERY deep in the case. If the IR receiver is in a similar location, it's got a serious case of tunnel vision. Terrible design decision! The remote buttons are also hard to push, and very noisy. Hopefully this will settle down as they get used more, but as it comes out of the box it's the clunkiest remote I've ever used -- certainly not what I expected from Sadoun's remark about good ergonomics. Last but not least in the remote arena, I HATE the text-messaging style of alphabetic entry. Maybe this is because I don't do text-messaging, but give me an onscreen keyboard any time!
Moving on, there's an inconsistency in the user interface. Menu items that offer you a list of options to choose from usually pop up a list box when you push the OK button. But not ALL of them! Some of them can only be selected with the left and right arrows. Bad interface design, I hope they correct it, because it's VERY disconcerting in connection with the clunky remote operation.
In the Installation menu, under the Other category, there's a setting for BER on or off. I'm assuming that BER stands for Bit Error Rate, but if you turn it on, where is it ever displayed? I haven't found it yet. (A manual would be nice.) Similarly, right above BER is Beeper on or off, but I haven't heard any beeps when the meter is running in the antenna setup menu.
I don't have a clue what the ethernet port is for, unless it's third-party software. The original description of the box that was posted here seemed to indicate that it could be used for firmware updates, but I don't see a menu option for that, and I thought it looked like a typo anyway.
The box does respond to pings, but not telnet or ftp. I haven't tried ssh yet, and I'll also try ftp after I hook up a hard drive, which I haven't even tried yet.
The features list on the box says "upgrade software & update channel database through usb 2.0 port". But how can you load a channel database when there's no way to save one?
The last item on the feature list says "Directly Bouquet-lists." I think that bouquet is the European term for a group of channels from one provider. Or is it just the list of channels in one mux? But anyway, I haven't seen anything that indicates the ability to group channels that way in the lists. Maybe I just haven't found it yet. Or, maybe they're being redundant and referring to the NIT search that they already mentioned.
Deleting channels seems incredibly annoying. Obviously not designed by feed-hunters. Is there some way I'm missing? All I can see is Menu, Channel List, Edit, Delete, select channel, exit, OK. You've got to be kidding me! Please somebody tell me I'm missing something!