Reviews: SatHawk PVR800 WorldDVB DVB-S2 HD FTA Receiver

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This is a really great box once you get used to it, and of course.. are able to see around any of the minor shortcomings you might have with it. It's my preferred main receiver. Now and then if I need to view 4:2:2, I just use the old Quali slaved to it on standby, or just fire up one of the DVB cards. I thank you, Sadoun, for selling me such a decent box at a great price. :)
a lot of credit is due to Sadoun for the hard work on this receiver. He's stuck with it, even with some of the negativity on the various forums regarding this receiver.

I understand that working with overseas companies, especially ones that make electronics is tough and sometimes wires get crossed (literally and figuratively) and certain bits of information get confused due to language barriers and things.

I'm disappointed that the box doesn't do 4:2:2, but I'm still seriously considering getting the box. With the new software, I'm even more serious about it.

I hope that some of the comments on the boards don't discourage people like Sadoun from taking on a project like this in the future... even if he is in Columbus... home of the Buckeyes. (ewww. GO BLUE! :D ;))

*hops off soapbox* ok i'm done rambling.
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Thanks guys for the good words of encouragement. It takes a lot of efforts to communicate and travel overseas to get a product fit for a certain market.

Some of the biggest FTA markets in Europe and Middle East don't care much about USALS, AC3, 4:2:2 and many other features that we like here. Our FTA market is very very small compared to these markets.

But you know what, we have the best users here in the USA, like the members here at Satelliteguys
Thanks guys for the good words of encouragement. It takes a lot of efforts to communicate and travel overseas to get a product fit for a certain market.

Some of the biggest FTA markets in Europe and Middle East don't care much about USALS, AC3, 4:2:2 and many other features that we like here. Our FTA market is very very small compared to these markets.

But you know what, we have the best users here in the USA, like the members here at Satelliteguys

Thanks for the support for this STB. We really appreciate it.

Something for a future firmware update that could be fixed . . . the latest update made for a green tint to the color for any signal coming out of the composite output - the HDMI and component outputs are fine.

Even though having AC3 through the RCA audio jacks was great, I have my box connected to tube TV without component or HDMI inputs and I found it too hard to constantly watch with that green tint over everything so I had to roll back to an earlier firmware.

It would also be great if the ability to scan H and V polarity separately made a return.

I want to say from the very beginning we have watched this STB grow to maturity. This is the best HD box out there for the money. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

I received mine today from Sadoun, it was shipped yesterday. Can't beat that ! My first impressions are good. I've "tidied up " the tp lists on some birds already, editted scanned in channels, blindscanned everything from 72W to 125W ( Ku only) , and I have good feelings about it. While it takes a little getting used to the interface, it's basically simple, much more so than the Vantage or Azbox. I just wish we could use the network connection for something, but maybe that'll come.
1) Manual PID entry would be nice.
2) It would be nice if the info screen would show all the DVB-S2 parameters of a scanned in channel ( 8psk or Qpsk, FEC, Pilot on/off, etc.

Maybe someday !

We need the Manual PID entry there channels that the only way to open them up is to manual PID entry.
I need help. I just got the Sathawk receiver and while I was playing with it I pushed the V/Format button and lord and behold my screen will not stop rolling. I have done master reset not once but twice. And just a minute ago I went ahead and unplug the unit. Right now I'm LOST and without a clue.
turn it back on. When it's stabilized, press the v. format button again. Wait 15-20 seconds, and press it again. Continue until you get a format you can read, but make sure you wait a period before changing again. The V format just goes around in a cycle, eventually you'll be back to something you can see.
I need help. I just got the Sathawk receiver and while I was playing with it I pushed the V/Format button and lord and behold my screen will not stop rolling. I have done master reset not once but twice. And just a minute ago I went ahead and unplug the unit. Right now I'm LOST and without a clue.
If you ever manage to find your way into the TV System menu, set the Video Resolution at 480i, and the Video Out at RGB. That should take care of all the annoying V Format button pressing.
Thanks guys,

I was able to get into the factory reset and got everything back to normal.....I think. I did notice that the software up date was different. I believe when I first turned it on the latest up date was dated 06/01/2010. Now it reads 01/02/2008. That can't be right ...Right?
Brentb, I tried to download the file you posted says file invalid or corrupted. If you would can you post an unzipped version? Seems like I have trouble opening files lately for the Sathawk...Thanks Blind
Blind , the archive above unzips just fine after i download it. It has several files and folder in it. Why don't you PM me with your email address, and I'll send it out to you that way, maybe you'll have better luck with an email attachment.
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