The lack of HD content on Directv and the fact that I hate tivo dvr's I'm thinking of going back to Dish. (i'm probally the only one that hates tivo boxes but the guide really pisses me off. It just seems cheap. The blue\white colors are hard to read in my old age.) I have a couple questions since I haven't been in the Dish know for a while. If I return can I get any deals. I want a hd dvr for two rooms and two standard rooms (standard dvr would be nice). Can I return it's been more than a year or should I sign up with my wife's name? Do they still install superdishes? I live in the Lincoln-Hastings DMA. I had such bad luck with the location the last one was installed that I quit dish but I'm thinking if they reinstall in a new location I should be fine. I think there were diplexors involved in the last install which caused some issues. I like to install myself but I don't think that's an option. I just hate having a wierdo installer in my house for 8 hours because he can't figure out my wiring since I pulled about three coax to each room from a media closet. It looks scarey for some of the less skiled installers. I end up doing the install myself and they watch.