Retiring Older Receivers

so Dish decides to send my 84 year old Grandma the receiver to swap out instead of sending someone out (yet my dad they send someone out)
So my uncle calls me and he is trying to hook up the new receiver and they send her a 311K....yeah a neutered 322

what a pain in the ass to set up since it tries to find both tuners in the setup (even though there is only one cable hoked up). guess it took him like an hour to get it set up and going.
They have to use up their junk somehow.
The fact they are switching a qpsk 301 receiver with an 8psk 311, goes to show how much junk they have in the warehouse.

Think of it, old customers who disconnect send back their SD junk. They take the SD junk and give it to pay in advance customers and to do 8psk upgrades.

While new customers get the kangaroo system.
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Existing customers get the hopper system too. Just have to upgrade to it. You either qualify or don't. Pretty sure DTV is the same way.
We got our new receivers. A 722K and a 311. So we have DVR capability on two TVs now. But only one TV gets HD. We get a few things in HD (mostly premium and sports channels). The locals are only available in SD.

Still on the Western arc, I guess (satellites 119, 110, 129)-- I'm the one who lives near Knoxville--am I correct that if we move to Eastern arc in the future we will not need another equipment change?

We tried to get them to add satellite Internet but they said they couldn't because I had an outstanding work order for the receiver upgrade! I am kind of glad because it looks like Exede is a better deal.
Still on the Western arc, I guess (satellites 119, 110, 129)-- I'm the one who lives near Knoxville--am I correct that if we move to Eastern arc in the future we will not need another equipment change?

Eastern Arc would require another equipment change of the 311 for an HD receiver such as the 211. The 722k would be fine.
I have an owned 508, initially I was told it would go dark in May, now they are sending me email saying April 1, why the change in dates. I'm in Michigan near Lat 45 on western arc, would a replacement receiver be western arc also? I'm not cutting any more trees down. Last, my 508 was grandfathered on dvr fees, will the replacement get the same deal?

The general concensus is the dates are different because they are staggering the change over. The overall end all be all have everything done is 31May. That's when the legacy receivers will absolutely no longer work.
I have an owned 508, initially I was told it would go dark in May, now they are sending me email saying April 1, why the change in dates. I'm in Michigan near Lat 45 on western arc, would a replacement receiver be western arc also? I'm not cutting any more trees down. Last, my 508 was grandfathered on dvr fees, will the replacement get the same deal?
Go to and enter your address in the first field. Then click on Multi-LNB Setups and click Dish 1000.4 (61.5W, 72.7W, 77W) and click "Go". This will show you a line on your property in the direction that the Eastern Arc satellites that your EA dish will have to be pointed to. You can move the X around to an exact location. If you can't go on EA you will most likely lose HD locals if you are getting them. There is almost always a way to find line of site somewhere on the property, but not in every case.
Well, I'm not cutting down more trees. I'll try the local phone companies offering over dsl. Their office is a quarter mile away and if I stay with dish or go with the phone company, someone has to come out and install which likely means taking time off of work. I guess this ends a 12.5 year run with dish. I'd really like to get a drop dead date on when my 508 will stop working so I can get the phone company out when it fits in my schedule.

If you can live with your locals being in SD and you truly do not have line of sight to the Eastern Arc, you could stay on Western Arc.

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