Retailers: Do you have 322/522 for sale? CEO seems to think so.


SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Feb 29, 2004
Florissant, CO
I got tired of seeing on eBay what I assume (from reading threads, etc.) are illegal sales of 322s and 522s. So, I sent an alert to eBay. I got back a canned response which I then forwarded to The response I got from E* rather surprised me. Here it is: said:
These receivers can be obtained by coming in as a new customer under a
leasing option. These receivers you see on Ebay may possibly be supplied by
an outside source, ie independent retailers. If you have any further
questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.

Jason Utz
Customer Resolution Specialist
Executive Office of Dish Network
Phone: 720-514-7083
Fax: 303-723-2063
Any retailers out there want to correct my bad? Or maybe follow up through your own channels and let us know what happens.
I didnt think the retailers got a commission on those receivers if they were activated not under the lease promotions. Some customers have actually gotten those receivers activated but not all. Some had to call back several times to get them activated but I think it is a bit harder to get them activated now if possible at all. I have never bought any of them myself because they have to be leased.
Given that people continue to buy these on ebay and continue to activate them even though Dish says they are lease only, I would speculate that Dish must have an agreement with some dealers (probably some very early contracts) that allows the sale of any reciever.

If Dish really wanted to prohibit it, they simply could not activate them. But, they continue...
ALL retailers had to sign a new agreement last year, as they have to every year or two.

Perhaps Dish is advertising it as a lease to try to get more people on DHA but will activate it if you talk to the right person.
Retailers do have restrictions on some models and under which promotions they can be sold and would be unable to get them activated for anyone other than a new customer in that particular promotion, however, remans can be bought directly from E* or some other distributor and sold.

Some customers would rather sell what they have while under contract, take the hit for the $240 early cancellation fee if they can get more for it on ebay to upgrade to what they want.
My 322

Hello all
I was able to get my 322 activated that I bought on EBay. It took two low level CSR and one upper level CSR to get it done. The upper level CSR told me that the 322 are able to activated with out being on a lease. The computers that the low level CSR use will not let them do it. He said the new purchase option had not been setup yet for them, and he could around the system to activate the 322 which he did. It took about 10 minutes to do. I also ordered my local package channels at the same time. As I explanded to all the CSR's that I was calling in to give them money. Most business want you to spend money with them. And at first they did not want my money, just because I was not being a cookie cutter customer. E* need to think about NEW ways to make there customers happy. Maybe giving the lease customer the first crack at the 322 / 522. But after that, takecareof all your customers.
I had worked for a retailer who sold 322 directly and I installed. I do recall seeing 522 receivers in the stock room as well, so I believe I can confirm that retailers have access to these receivers.
JohnTenn said:
I had worked for a retailer who sold 322 directly and I installed. I do recall seeing 522 receivers in the stock room as well, so I believe I can confirm that retailers have access to these receivers.
The last retailer I worked for also had 322 & 522 in stock - but they were not for sale, only lease fulfillment, so I'm still not convinced.
mike123abc said:
If Dish really wanted to prohibit it, they simply could not activate them. But, they continue...
Given the choice of telling customers that they are screwed and turning them away or breaking the lease only rule I believe E* is making the right choice.

I just hope they can keep track of the bought 322/522's and the leased ones. If someone ebays a receiver they shouldn't have to return it to dish at cancellation. That's the downside.

And if it really bothers E* that installers are selling the units instead of using them for lease fulfillment they can adjust their distribution of receivers to the installers that are doing it the right way.

JohnTenn said:
I had worked for a retailer who sold 322 directly and I installed. I do recall seeing 522 receivers in the stock room as well, so I believe I can confirm that retailers have access to these receivers.
Of course retailers have access to these receivers. But they are meant to be used only for new DHA subscribers for the time being.

If a retailer were to sell one to an existing customer he would make back what he paid for it but he will not be paid by DISH for installing and activating it (even if the customer were to be successful in getting it activated later.). So it would basically be pointless to sell it.

The ones you see on ebay are for the most part pilfered by warehouse & distribution people and installers. I'm sure in many cases they are sold by DHA subscribers who don't know or care that it is not their property.
What I meant was some retailers that are going out of business and clearing out stock or chose not to install them anymore. Are they actually going for more than retail on ebay?
Stargazer said:
Are they actually going for more than retail on ebay?
What is retail on a box that should not be sold? :D

Video rentals used to be sold for $99 or more per VHS cassette for the rental stores to buy. They can make the money back at a few dollars per night, but the average consumer wouldn't want to buy a movie for $99. When the movie officially moved from rental to sales the price dropped to the normal $20 or less range. But customers COULD buy a $20 movie for $99 if they didn't want to wait (and they found a distributor).

So what retal price is assigned to the x22's? :D

BTW: eBay is a public website ... feel free to look ... but they have one 322 there for $89 (buy it now - but the text says the receiver is a dud?) and others for higher ($110 to $146). Completed items search show winning bids of $31 (with no remotes?) to $150. (522 buy it nows start at $200 and completed items sold for $112 to $275.)

Knowing that 322's and 522's are not being sold by Dish (lease only) does make me more leary than normal. Some of the sellers have decent numbers, so if they are selling off of the back of someone else's truck they have been doing it for a while. In any case, the low end price ads look like a lead in to yet another "I got messed over on an eBay purchase" thread. :D

Retail is the price that the retailers have to pay for the 522 which is $349. Retailers pay $149 for the 322. Retailers are charged retail price in most cases unless it is the higher priced receivers.

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