Retailer Chat TODAY!

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Tommorow Dish Network will be holding a retailer only chat! As always SatelliteGuys will be filling you in on all the details that interest YOU the consumer!

Dealers looking to talk about retailer only issues from the chat should visit our Sister forum at

On tommorows chat the main subject will be "NEW PROGRAMMING" I expect Dish to announce a small handfull of new channels tommorow.

As always we will also be holding a live chat in our Chat Room (Click on CHAT in the Navagation Bar Above to get in) :) Hope to see you there.
Of course the Chat Room will be open. :)

And it's ok if Iceberg drinks all the beer, I thought I heard him say he was buying for everyone tommorow. :D
Scott Greczkowski said:
And it's ok if Iceberg drinks all the beer, I thought I heard him say he was buying for everyone tommorow. :D

Did I win the lottery and I havent been notified yet?? :D

If there is only 3 or 4 people, maybe then :p

Hopefully they announce that Duluth goes live Thursday :):):):):)
(I seen on the other site that there is programming on the channels now, not just the slate)

Which UPN Super is Better?

MLB EI is NR/AO per my 7200

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