Retailer Chat Recap - November 10th, 2005

Spike said:
The ethernet connection might be to download programing guides. If they did that, there wouldn't be any long delays for the equipment as they download. It could download them seamlessly at night. Kind of like what tivo and Replaytv do.

Of course I'm just speculating.
No need. The short EPG is everywhere. The slowness is due to the receiver's capabilities, NOT a bandwidth limitation.
Of course, the ethernet connection might just be another way to order PPV, pay your bill, audit receivers- just a phone line replacement. A minor nicety for those with cable or satellite broadband that have dumped their land line. Downloading the EPG might be a nicety for your receiver, but the EPG will still be delivered by satellite for many years to come- even if all future receivers could dl it via ethernet, not everyone will have broadband.

Of course, I hope I'm wrong. I'd love it to morph into a whole house media center.

Oh 962, when art thou?
It really would be smart of them (from an audit cost perspective) to eliminate the need for connection to phone lines. But, would having a box connected to a broadband connection actually allow them audit the location (ie could they tell all boxes were in the same household)? Please forgive my ignorance in advance.
I have to chime in and say that does seem what it apears the 211 is for. Maybe SBC wants to have 2 boxes to use and see which works best. I've herd talks that that media portal was supposed to use dish network for the core programming and then VOD over the IP network that sbc is buiding via fiber. Who knows when it comes to SBC, they make alot of half-ass decisions and then regret in the end they dident plan it better. For example when they bought our telco (Ameritech) they unloaded the cable service (Americast) that Ameritech had to WOW! (Wide Open West), and guess what years later now there is SBC Dish Network.

Here is more info on the SBC Future Plans for this:
lakebum431 said:
It really would be smart of them (from an audit cost perspective) to eliminate the need for connection to phone lines. But, would having a box connected to a broadband connection actually allow them audit the location (ie could they tell all boxes were in the same household)? Please forgive my ignorance in advance.

That all depends, what if your IPs are DHCP? Some ISPs use rotating blocks that can change significantly (I've seen mine go from 69 to 67 to 66, etc, not stay within the same subnet)..

That, and hostname-based tracking isn't reliable (making sure one's location matches that of their IP)...

plus, Dishnet doesn't care if your receivers are plugged into different phone lines (I did that with mine for ages), so why should they care if they're plugged in and get different IPs (an account with multiple IPs)...
JohnH said:
There is no incentive to buy one of these boxes without some new programming which requires them.

If E* allows me to get only HDpack & voom if I buy a 411, then I wouldn't have to pay for AT60 no more and could save some money. Just started getting OTA HD now, so don't have to wait for HD LIL in mpeg4.
JohnH said:
There is no incentive to buy one of these boxes without some new programming which requires them.

Dish has said that MPEG4 is coming, and I fully expect the first MPEG-4 channel rollouts to be in December or January.

You have to have the MPEG-4 hardware to roll out the MPEG-4 channel encodings.

I asked about the 411 last night during a replacement 6000 authorization. Dish tech seem knowledgeable about the unit. I was told production has been stopped on the 411. Why? Tech did not know but his guess is the 211 is now going to be produced in large numbers. The 411 will just be used short term. The 211 health can be monitored by the tech while the customer is on the phone. Times are changing fast.
They may have been making some 411's for a little while and decided that they wanted to use up what was made and go forward with the 211 (since it has the ethernet port). I wonder how they can monitor the health of the 211 by the tech while the customer is on the phone? The only way I can see them doing that is by the ethernet port. Why would they be concerned about monitoring the health of it anyways? Do they expect a lot of problems with them?
Stargazer said:
They may have been making some 411's for a little while and decided that they wanted to use up what was made and go forward with the 211 (since it has the ethernet port). I wonder how they can monitor the health of the 211 by the tech while the customer is on the phone? The only way I can see them doing that is by the ethernet port. Why would they be concerned about monitoring the health of it anyways? Do they expect a lot of problems with them?

I do not think Dish Network expects any problems with the 211. PPV, billing, VOD, receiver signal strength, connection to other houshold Dish Network receivers, internet surfing and e-mail.............. the ethernet port is a great revenue generator.
It will be interesting to see if they actually use the ethernet port, or kill it off like the whole "dishwire" mess.
Regarding tracking receivers via the Ethernet port.

Above posters are right about various difficulties, however, if ALL the boxes in a house were talking to Ethernet, then a command could be sent from E* to tell them to report in - at the same time. If the source IP was the same for all of them, there's reasonable assurance they are at least pretty close together physically.

YES, there ARE ways to beat that system, but you really have to know what you're doing to make it happen.
Hey Scott let us knw as soon as you get some 411,211's in. I will do the same once they get in my area.
HokieEngineer said:
Okay a few other details outta the chat...

Fox Sports West 2 going from Spotbeam to full conus.
Thanks for this tidbit. Been waiting for FSW2 to get into Multi-Sport for a few years, finally get to see those USC / UCLA games I've been missing.
Fixed, there are a few messages with the redirect in them we are picking them off one by one.

Before I put the fix in place anyone clicking on those threads would actually mess up the entire site for all. :)

Glad that is fixed. :)

If anyone sees any more please PM me with the URL to the thread and I will fix it. :D
Yeah I got their information those Goon fourms and I was worried that they were hijacking the site.
I see that Dish Network and Archos have joined forces. I have the Archos AV420 Pocket Video Recorder and I love it. The AV500E and AV700E are exactly the same models Archos has. I'm thinking about replacing my AV420 with the PMA430. I just wish the price would come down a bit but with X-mas just around the corner, why not :-)

It's been fun, and thanks for all the fish.

New software update for 322 receivers

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