As far as I understand its the encore channels for free. (of course I could be wrong)
The card they sent me clearly says "Starz."
The card they sent me said "FREE for 3 months" and seemed to be tied to having AutoPay already. It also said I'd have to call after the 3 months to CONTINUE the subscription. I called the number and was told the promo had been pushed back, but they'd give me Cinemax free for a month. I said no thanks. They are to send out new letters when the promo takes effect.
<sigh> Dish drops a fee, and we still dump on them.
<double sigh> And perhaps deservedly so. We'll have to wait and see.
Encore, not Starz? Don't we ALREADY get most of the Encore channels with AT250?
i called into dish and talked to a supervisor in billing and called back and talked to a supervisor in tech support and he said the same thing and they both were american :up and he said they would be offering starz or encore free for a year starting february 1st and not catches to getting themim going with starz for spartacus gods of the arena before spartacus came into the picture starting up january 21st
encore sucks
Where are our ever helpful resident Dish CSRs to explain this supposed promotion to us?