.There are some specialized tools that make fishing wires easier (magnets, small chains, fiberglass rods, flexible drill bits) You can use craigslist or a local wiring supplier to try and locate a low voltage wiring installer. No electrician necessary. Figure around $250-$300 to get someone out to your house and do the work, more for materials.
About 10 years ago I was living in a 200 unit Condo complex and the Cable Co (Darkhouse) decided to update/replace all the wiring in every unit ( everyone had cable as part of the monthly Fee).
So they had a crew of 5 or 6 go from unit to unit to run the new cable (did not even bother to remove the old one)... and a few weeks after they were done, I went to the attic for something, and found a " home made" 9'-10' fiberglass rod with a hook taped at one end with Duct tape... I should have it somewhere around ...which can come in handy...
3Years ago I was having problems with the old wiring and the cable guy went to the attic and replaced wiring going to 3 locations "wall fishing" in less than 30min... without even asking and the charge was $0.
So I don't see what is the big deal doing it with Dish TV... One doesn't need a PhD to do that!
I am reluctant to use the same wiring used for Broadband Internet and VOIP because in the event of a direct lightning strike to the outside dish, I can lose every thing (Internet/Phone/TV)... like putting all the eggs in one basket!
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