Reputable Dealers?

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I have bought from rick,sadoun,hyper,satellite av and galaxy with no problems.The only gripe i have is that sadoun seemed to have a back order problem! dont know if that is still the case.
i have is that sadoun seemed to have a back order problem! don't know if that is still the case.
when i talked to him last year he thought about dropping the sat biz. sad because he sold the best ku dishes (non commercial)in the states. plus many other hard to find stuff.bought more from them than all other sellers.
Has anyone had any experience with Galaxy-marketing? I am new to FTA and I want to get a 36" motorized system with a good receiver, I don't want inferior equipment, but also I cannot spend a large amount in case I don't like FTA or my area in Michigan is problematic. Thanks.

Hi Taco, Just an FYI, I ordered the "kit" from Galaxy, it was the LNBF, Motor, and 9036 Dish all in one bundle, at a good price. After ordering it, they tell me they didn't have the motor, so I end up with just the Dish and LNBF, and the "bundle" price went away, so those now cost more than the whole package!! After several communications, I was finally able to get them to credit me part of the difference. BUT, my point is, MAKE SURE THEY HAVE EVERYTHING, BEFORE you place the order! I then had to shop around for a motor, additional unneeded aggravation. Not singling out Galaxy, as this can happen with any dealer, just letting you know so you can be aware. Good luck, and enjoy the world of FTA!!
Galaxy, Is the retail arm of WSI. (Just thought I would point that out)

I remember last year surfing for parts that both of their sites were linked somehow.
Thanks for the clarification

Cheers, K
Tekjunkie, I know how you feel as I went thru something similar last year trying to get parts...Galaxy didn't have the motor I needed either only the lnb...I went elsewhere..two other places as a matter of fact just to get basic parts.
I suppose a package deal would appeal to some. Hopefully less headache.
However, most packages don't have the specific items I want.
And I'm pretty picky.

I do look at any dealer I'm considering, to see if they have other items on my shopping list.
Sometimes you have to place an order for a single item.
I try to avoid that, if possible.
Thanks all for the information. I decided to go with a packaged deal from SatelliteAV, with the GeoSatPro MicroHD M1, 36inch offset dish, spl2 bullet Lnb, Install package, and the Meter Signal Cat. They currently do not have motors in stock, and it sounded like they may not carry then again. The Sales support was great and informative. So, any suggestions on what type of motor might work well with a 3foot dish and suppliers?
Good choice of SatelliteAV. As you noted, he no longer carries motors.
I will recommend the Stab brand, made in Italy. The HH90 would suit your 90cm dish.
As a second choice, the DG 280 or DG 380 from Sadoun. (get the model of either with shaft to fit your dish)

I would not touch any motor identified as "2100". The reason doesn't need to be repeated again.
Thank you for the motor advice.

I finally was able to install my FTA Satellite package I purchased from Satellite AV this weekend. I LOVE IT !!!! The Satellite AV sales department was very helpful, the equipment was very, very packaged upon delivery. They tried to talk me out of purchasing a buget meter (which I thought I would need), and when using it, I experienced exactly what they described as problematic. It did help initially, as I had to do the install alone, but I really needed to use the MicroHD Signal meter to capture the correct satellite and transponder(s). The only drawback was the little compass included in the package (not the company's fault). It was much easier to use a rotating dial compass that allowed for easier line of sight. Somehow the Galaxy 19 satellite I chose to use was approximately 6 degrees off from the compass heading, which caused about 3 hours of extra work.

Thank you all for your advice and help!!
Many have commented favorably on customer service at SatAV. :up

Somehow the Galaxy 19 satellite I chose to use was approximately 6 degrees off from the compass heading, which caused about 3 hours of extra work.
Are you aware of Magnetic Deviation?
Most satellite aiming sites and programs give two azimuths: true and magnetic.
If you are using a compass, you need to use the corrected aiming info.

Edit: the term "declination" has a specific meaning in aiming dishes, especially BUDs
So, I use "magnetic deviation" to avoid confusion with an unrelated matter
AND, it was used here on the forum and other sites , for many years
There's confusion enough, in a complicated hobby! ;)
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Regardless of confusion, magnetic deviation has a different meaning being the altered reading of a compass when it is near iron. We should stick to the correct technical term which is magnetic declination (difference between true and magnetic north azimuths).

I'll bet you're right. Judging by his ID, I'll bet he's in the south (Albuquerque?) where the magnetic declination is about 9 degrees.

Added: I'll bet Taco100 is near Abilene / Odessa, Texas!
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I wish, no actually, I am in Big Rapids, Michigan. BTW, I do know the difference between Magnetic, and True north, and it still was off. Maybe there is a huge rock of iron under the ground where the dish is, or I can't use a compass very well at my age (very dissapointing as I was an Eagle scout).
I have had my DG380 for three years, I believe. It's been absolutely solid mechanically. Once in a while it gets confused and I have to reset it using the procedure in the manual, but after that it's right back to 100% again.
I have had the DG280 for about four or five years now. Can't remember. I started with a Fortec Star receiver , then the Coolsat 6100 and now the MicroHD and no problems with it at all.
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