Report: Jon Gruden close to becoming head coach of the U

I wanna say WOW....but I am not not surprised. Gruden can can be a real a$$-clown.... As much as Randy Shannon was not getting the most of the his players, he was 3 times the man. Probably one of the best recruiters EVER at The U. But a recruiter does not make a great coach.

Ain't that the truth ..... We had Cooper for FAR too long, he could recruit great, just couldn't coach, just couldn't win the games that count.
What does it say? I can't view that site at work.

Sapp, who has a relationship with Jon Gruden dating back to the NFL, revealed some new information during Thursday's radio show about the possible circumstances surrounding the departure of Univ. of Miami football coach Randy Shannon.

Information that, to say the least, paints Gruden in an extremely negative light.

Excerpt from the interview:

Freeman: "When Warren Sapp heard that Randy Shannon was let go … "

Sapp: "You got the wrong guy, because I know a whole 'nother side of this and I don't want to do that. "

Freeman: "Who were the candidates you were already building in your head?"

Sapp: "None. It wasn't my job. It's not my job to go find the next coach. But when you hear the candidates, you put certain people in certain places."

Freeman: "You knew Jon Gruden would say 'hell no'?"

Sapp: "Gruden told me hell no the day he went and got an interview. Let's not even talk about that. The backdoor deals and foolishness that goes along with that.

"You don't call someone and say 'I want the job' and have them fire their own coach and then don't take the job. You just don't do that.

"I don't mind you being a pretty girl and being courted and kissed, but court and kiss on your own time. There's a certain fraternity that you don't break.

"It's like Jim Mora, Jr. and Pete Carroll in Seattle, you don't do that.

"When someone has a job, you let them (Miami) go through the process of firing that person and then you drop your name in the hat.

"You don't call and get (Miami Athletic Director) Kirby (Hocutt) all excited that he's about to get you … and then Kirby can't deliver."

Keep in mind, Gruden and Sapp have long had a relationship documented as rocky at times. Though it's almost impossible to believe Sapp would make up such an incredibly serious charge about his former coach at Tampa Bay.

Sapp's claim would also explain the non-sequitur reports of Gruden-to-Coral Gables that instantly popped up after Shannon's ouster.

Reports that, of course, never panned out.
I wanna say WOW....but I am not not surprised. Gruden can can be a real a$$-clown.... As much as Randy Shannon was not getting the most of the his players, he was 3 times the man. Probably one of the best recruiters EVER at The U. But a recruiter does not make a great coach.

Ron Zook comes to mind.
You are still hooked on that about facilities?!:rolleyes: Again...PRIVATE school vs. STATE school. He will not be starting from scratch, that team that whomever takes over as head coach, is fully loaded.

Yes it is about facilities. Its hard to get recruits to come play in a dump. They want to play in the big stadiums and have the nice things in life. Heck even UCF has a nicer standium then Miami..
The Insider said:
Yes it is about facilities. Its hard to get recruits to come play in a dump. They want to play in the big stadiums and have the nice things in life. Heck even UCF has a nicer standium then Miami..

Lol! Keep reading all the those hoakie wanna go where they will play the most, win the fastest and the program that will get them to the pros the quickest. I have never heard a recruit state they went to State U because "they have amazing facilities....."

In the early 2000s, The U was getting great recruits with LESSER facilities and a crappier stadium than now. EVERYONE knew The U would put good players in the NFL and they would be playing for a national championship.....That is how they got recruits....NOT facilities. ;-)
Yes it is about facilities. Its hard to get recruits to come play in a dump. They want to play in the big stadiums and have the nice things in life. Heck even UCF has a nicer standium then Miami..

Very true... salsa can ignore it all he likes but I've talked to prob 20 different recruits that are coming to VT and these are top reasons many were coming or were going to choose a school to play ball at. Sure there are other factors but these are the top ones, none of them would want to play at a dump with very limited facilities. I'm a large contributor to the program myself.. I often times tailgate right across from the Stadium where we host these recruits with my club so I get a chance to talk to them...this year they were on hand for the GT Thursday night game.
Very true... salsa can ignore it all he likes but I've talked to prob 20 different recruits that are coming to VT and these are top reasons many were coming or were going to choose a school to play ball at. Sure there are other factors but these are the top ones, none of them would want to play at a dump with very limited facilities. I'm a large contributor to the program myself.. I often times tailgate right across from the Stadium where we host these recruits with my club so I get a chance to talk to them...this year they were on hand for the GT Thursday night game. the early 2000s when Miami was play for National Championships in a crappier stadium(Orange Bowl) and sending more players than anyone else to the NFL with the same facilities as in the 80s ....what is your explination for that one? PLEASE....! Winning tradition and fastest way to the NFL sells. That whole "facilities" is coaches talk that has been brain washed into your commercial brains.

In the 60s, 70s and 80s... EVERYONE had the same damn facilities with more or less the same size stadiums for every major college. What was selling BEFORE this "facilities" talk?? Winning traditions like the Alabamas, Penn States, Oklahomas, Michigans, Texas and Notre Dames of the college football world. NOT "facilities". Those teams had winning traditions and a pipeline to the NFL...THAT and more TV exposure is what kids wanted then and now. That "facilities" talk is coaches talk. keep reading all those college football magazines and listening to the Mel Kipers of the of the world.....LOL!:rolleyes: the early 2000s when Miami was play for National Championships in a crappier stadium(Orange Bowl) and sending more players than anyone else to the NFL with the same facilities as in the 80s ....what is your explination for that one? PLEASE....! Winning tradition and fastest way to the NFL sells. That whole "facilities" is coaches talk that has been brain washed into your commercial brains.

In the 60s, 70s and 80s... EVERYONE had the same damn facilities with more or less the same size stadiums for every major college. What was selling BEFORE this "facilities" talk?? Winning traditions like the Alabamas, Penn States, Oklahomas, Michigans, Texas and Notre Dames of the college football world. NOT "facilities". Those teams had winning traditions and a pipeline to the NFL...THAT and more TV exposure is what kids wanted then and now. That "facilities" talk is coaches talk. keep reading all those college football magazines and listening to the Mel Kipers of the of the world.....LOL!:rolleyes:

Miami went to ONE National title game in 2000s its not like they were dominate. They had ONE good team (a team is usually 3-4 years in college) Its not like there were nailing the top recruiting class each year. And in the 80s Miamis facilities were decent for the time. The rest of college left them behind which is why they have not had a top recruiting class in many years. They may land a stud here and there, but they are mainly south Florida players.

Look your the top recruit in the nation and you can play at any school of your choice where do you go? The school in Miami and play in dump? Or Ohio and play in the Shoe? Or Fla and play in the swamp? Or Texas? or countless other championship schools? Bottom line is Miami is a last choice of a star player. Miami is where a player goes who wants to make a name for themselves but knows they want get to play on the other teams cause they are not "that good". At least not at first.

And yes "winning tradition" did sell in the 60s 70s etc.. But stop living in the past because now the powers have changed and the school itself also plays a role. For most they pick the school they love and where they want to live those 4 years. But for the top of the brass the highest recruited players it takes more then just "tradition" to lure them in. Having amazing facilities and fulfilling that players dream has a lot of improtance/.
Miami went to ONE National title game in 2000s its not like they were dominate. They had ONE good team (a team is usually 3-4 years in college) Its not like there were nailing the top recruiting class each year. And in the 80s Miamis facilities were decent for the time. The rest of college left them behind which is why they have not had a top recruiting class in many years. They may land a stud here and there, but they are mainly south Florida players.

We will start with this section...The Larry Coker era went 60-14...they went 11-1 in 2000 and SHOULD have played for the National Championship because FSU, who DID play for the championship and lost, had ONE loss...yep, you guessed it, to Miami. The next year, the 2001 team is considered one of the greatest teams of all time, going undefeated and winning the NCG. The year AFTER, they were one terrible PI call away from going two straight years undefeated and winning back-to-back NCG. Year after that, they went 11-2 winning the Orange Bowl. 2004 and 2005, they went 18-5. So please get your history correct. Actually, the Larry Coker ERA was very close to being just as good as the Urban Myer ERA. Myer went 64-10 with 2 championships. Ok, now that the history lesson is over. Miami has NEVER had a #1 recruiting class because they were recruiting the the most fertile of all states, Florida. They look for players that fit their style of football, they do not look to land the best players in the land.

Look your the top recruit in the nation and you can play at any school of your choice where do you go? The school in Miami and play in dump? Or Ohio and play in the Shoe? Or Fla and play in the swamp? Or Texas? or countless other championship schools? Bottom line is Miami is a last choice of a star player. Miami is where a player goes who wants to make a name for themselves but knows they want get to play on the other teams cause they are not "that good". At least not at first.

I am VERY interested where you got this inside dope that Miami's facilities are "a dump"? Have you SEEN this dump? Have you heard from reliable sources that it is a dump? Is there video of this so-called dump? As far as where a top recruit and where he wants to ALWAYS depends on HOW much exposure he is going to get, how much playing time and how well are they going to be prepared for the NFL....because NO top recruit in football is going to college for an education...they wanna go to a program that will prepare them to play on Sundays. The teams you mentioned..Ohio State, Texas, Florida... they get
top recruits because they are WINNING....period. Florida, for example, had a bad year by their standards...but have a GREAT recruiting class coming in....NEXT year, if they do not go back to their winning ways, they recruiting will drop. It's in cycles. Before Sabin came to Alabama and won a NC, their recruiting was so-so at best...guess what a NC did for their went through the roof. It wasn't their facilities...they have had the same facilities for the last 5-10 was their winning and ALL the players that went to the NFL after their championship.
Very true... salsa can ignore it all he likes but I've talked to prob 20 different recruits that are coming to VT and these are top reasons many were coming or were going to choose a school to play ball at. Sure there are other factors but these are the top ones, none of them would want to play at a dump with very limited facilities. I'm a large contributor to the program myself.. I often times tailgate right across from the Stadium where we host these recruits with my club so I get a chance to talk to them...this year they were on hand for the GT Thursday night game.

Yep...."facilities" had alot to do with THIS decisions:

"Man, more than anything it came down to playing time,'' Bridgewater told ``With me enrolling early, I can come in and compete for a starting spot. When I visited I had nothing but love from all the coaches, but especially Coach Hurtt and Coach [Charlie] Strong. ''

Bridgewater was committed to UM until about a week after Shannon was fired. His mother, Rose Murphy, was unhappy with the way Hurricanes fans reacted to her son decommitting from UM.

Read more: Top recruit Teddy Bridgewater picks Louisville over Miami Hurricanes - UM -
Salsa no one is arguing that the second and third rate recruits are going to schools based on playing time/name. But the top of the heap, those who have the pick of the litter are going to schools that have the best of the best. On all sides.
Salsa no one is arguing that the second and third rate recruits are going to schools based on playing time/name. But the top of the heap, those who have the pick of the litter are going to schools that have the best of the best. On all sides.

I just showed you a perfect example of a 5 star recruit going to Louisville because the MAIN reason he changed his mind from Miami is he KNEW he had a better chance to start. And by the way, he picked Louisville over OTHER major colleges with the same facilities as Louisville. I rarely, if ANY, hear a recruit mention facilities. That is coaches and the kids parents. This was discussed AT LENGTH locally here when Teddy Bridgewater switched to the Cardinals from the Hurricanes.

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