Replacement Remote Recommendations


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
I’m looking for a replacement remote control that is so simple, even my wife can use it. Right know I have a Sony 53” (KP-53HS10) with the component feed from my 811 going into Video5, the S-video from the 811 going into Video4, my DVD/VHS connections going into Video3, and my S-video from my model 501 going into Video1. I have programmed my 811 remote to handle everything, but I’m having a hard time getting my wife to learn how to control everything through that remote. She says she has to push too many buttons to watch TV.

With that said, I’m looking for a remote that can control all of this equipment and can be programmed so if I select the 811 component feed, it will automatically switch the Sony to Video5, configure the remote buttons to work like the 811 remote, and only communicate with the 811 while allowing me to control the volume on the Sony. If I select the 501, I want it to switch the Sony to Video1, configure the remote buttons to work like the 501 remote, and only communicate with the 501 while allowing me to control the volume on the Sony. It should also be able to control my audio current receiver and the one I hope to buy in the future.

Is there anything out there that will do what I’m looking for?
Does anyone know anything about the Home Theater Master MX-500 & MX-700 remotes? How about the Pilups Pronto line or the Sony line?
I love my Radio Shack 6 in 1 remote.Best I ever had.$60.00.Easy to program and use.One for All makes one to.I think it will control 8 devices.They both use the Kameleon Technology.Very cool. Here's a link
I have & would recommend a Phillips Pronto 1000 if you are proficient with computers. Phillips no longer makes the 1000. It has been superceded by the 2000 and 3500. So, you should be able to pick up a used one for well under $100.

The power of Prontos over other programables is its editing software. It allows you to:
-build the interface how you want it to look
-create complex macros
-add custom graphics and sound

The power of the Pronto can be illustrated by this example: If you wanted to watch a high-definition football game, you could push the picture of a football on your customized Pronto, and it would automatically: turn-on your TV, stereo, and STB; switch your TV input from DVD to HD STB; switch your stereo from radio input to HD STB, 2-channel to Dolby, and volume control; switch your HD STB from SD to HD; and change the channel to HD ESPN. This type of control makes the operation of complex equipment relatively easy.

The down-side of this remote is that you have to be prepared to invest time in programing it or money for someone else to do it.

check out this site for more information:
I use the Home Theater Master MX-500. I control my mitsubishi TV, Dish network 508 soon to be(hopefully) 921 receiver and Yamaha AV tuner. I can do macros just as on the pronto although not as complex. The nice thing about the MX-500 is that most of the buttons you use regularly are hard buttons which make it easy to use with one hand. It is easy to program. You can do some programming on the computer if you by the IR clone. The more expensive models such as the MX-700 and MX-800 can be programmed on the computer.
Thanks for the suggestions. Now to do a little research. If anyone else has any other suggestions, I'm open to them.
I bought my MX-700 and received it last week. I chose it over the Pronto Neo and NG due to the hard buttons. The newer Prontos do have more hard buttons, but I got a bad experience from using the touchscreen remote that came with my Sony receiver about 4 years ago. Prontos are wonderful, but you need to spend the time in setting up (very custom means you will spend a lot of time trying different things), and I prefer the "feel" approach rather than the "look" approach.

I made my decision after HOURS of researching on and other websites. No remote offered everything I wanted. My old remote went through batteries too quickly, but the only remotes I found that could use a recharging station were the more expensive Prontos. Most people seemed to be getting 4-6 months per set of batteries for the MX-700. That's better than my other remote.

Another plus for the MX-700 is the ability to hook up to the computer and download new files or layouts. The MX-500 is a great remote and it is possible to put files on it through IRClone or something, but I thought I would spend less time setting up my files on the computer rather than on the remote itself.

I looked at Harmony remotes too, but my gut feeling was to go to the MX-700.

As far as price, well you can get the MX-700 for $350 through an authorized dealer which means a warranty. Or you can go to Ebay (like me) and buy one for $158. Or a third option is to go to an authorized dealer who sells "open box" remotes for around $200 (warranty is questionable in my opinion). I risked the warranty to save nearly $200.

Go to and you can download the software, tutorial, and programming manual to try it out before making a purchase. I think you can do the same with the Pronto, but not sure.

Hope this helps...
I need to add my wife likes the remote since it does what you are looking for, changing all the inputs, turning on and off whatever is needed, and even the FAV buttons for pushing one button to go to 50 different stations (this helps with the 4 number HD stations on E*).

But if you spend half the time looking and researching as I did, then you will indeed get some funny looks and comments from your wife!

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