Repair DX100 American Electrola Radio, AM FM SW?

I can e-mail you pdf copies of the the manuals and schematics. The tuning not working is probably the tuning encoder. I recently found one that fits my DXC-100 from Mouser Electronic Supply. I'll be glad to include the encoder part number used to repair my radio. My radio doesn't have the battery so may be a bit different than mine.


Thanks for your information and offer. My Radio is actually a DXC 100 as well, was a typo in the title. Am puzzled by yours not having the battery, since they only made two runs. While the schematics would be great, I believe by the amount of views it would be better to post all the information here.

I see where numerous people have posted pdf files, just not sure how they do it.

Sorry about the long response time, just was not sure how to handle it.



Gray Hair
If you change that diode, make sure you know what type it is, a regular rectifier, zener, whatever, don't just throw any old diode in. Try to read the number on it and look it up. Do you have a multimeter? A lot of the things in there can be easily checked with a meter.

Trying to run it off a clean 12 V source like a battery would be a good idea, like someone else suggested. In a couple of your pictures there's a 9v regulator [7809CT], and I think I saw a 5 V regulator [7805]. The 5v probably supplies the display and the 9v the radio circuitry. If you have a meter that would be a first place to check, check the three pins on each for a 12v input, a gnd, a 5v output on the 5v and a 9v output on the 9v. Bad solder connections is another good possibility.

That radio looks to be in nice shape inside. It doesn't look like anyone's worked it over, looks nice.

The back-up battery is probably just for a memory function, when you replace it make sure you use the same type, cadmium, lithium-ion, whatever it is, it should say on it what type it is and the voltage, or have a part# that can be looked up.
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I have just started working on one of these and could really use the schematics and a copy of the manual - can anybody send them to me or attach a link? I did construct a manual from "azenithnut" , but his zip file is missing pages 16,17. My radio display only briefly lights up when powered on. the tuner and audio section appears to work fine. I have already replaced the back-up battery. I have the second generation radio. TIA

Orbi IP Issue
