Reminder: Hardware Upgrade Tonight

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Just a reminder we will be doing a hardware upgrade on our main server. The work being done will be replacing the 2 - 2.0Ghz CPU's with 2 2.8Ghz processors.

The work is expected to happen some time after 1am ET.

I will be sleeping when they do the work, so hopefully everything goes smoothly. :) :D

Thanks for your support!
CPU Update complete! :)

I woke up and the site was down but within 2 minutes of waking up I found we were back online. (Good timing!) I guess the full operation took close to 45 minutes total.

Glad we are back online! Time for me to head back to bed. :)

Thanks guys!
I can't honestly tell if its faster or not. The reason is I got a new laptop yesterday and everything just pops on the screen instantly.

I can't tell if its because of the new CPU's or new laptop (or both)

But very very quick! :D
We seem to have lost thumbnail photos with this upgrade. Maybe it's not related but it worked just fine yesterday.
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attatched pictures not working
