Registration weirdness

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Lee L

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003


When I registered, it reset my birthday to 1 Jan but kept the year I entered.

Also, it changed my time zone from GMT-5 to GMT-12.

Good luck with the new board.
As a Guest - it didn't even let me use Darkman...

Cuz it is taken by me (more likely) :)

I registered last night...
But my Lycos email is screwed up now for a few days already...
I thought they fixed the problem.. (and i think they partually did - cuz i can login to it at least) ..but the emails are coming so slow (everything is backed up or something - i am still slowly getting some emails from several days ago)

So since last night to this Monday morning the "verify thinggy" hasn't arrived yet to my mailbox...

I just tried to force another e-mail to me from here by selecting "forgot password" option, but the board replied: "You are not an active user, can't retrieve the password, contact the administrator"

So not sure when verification comes to my Lycos, but i was thinking - Scott you may know my email (cuz it is at DBSTalk) or you can go over there and check out my email and then verify that the same one was given over here, and then approve me here manually?
Can you do that? (or should i just wait for e-mail from here to arrive to my currently crippled Lycos - hehe - whenever that might happen?) :)
nope - still can't login under Darkman (the name i registered, but could not get verified yet via my Lycos)...

Darkman and the password i have chosen is still not working....
Hmm could be the password was entered wrong or something, Earlier I flipped you to unvalidated to regular member so you should have been able to get in.

Because I can not see your password what I did was deleted your account so that you could try again, you may want to use a different email address. :)

One thing I don't like about this software is I can not resend your validation email again. But I am sure I will fix that in due time. :)
Scott - it's "no go" :(

I am trying over and over again now in the other window with Darkman and a password, but keep on getting same thing over and over again, after i press Submit button: "Anti Robotic Register Validation Error"

?? - hehe - WTF :)
maybe it has to do something with this thinggy: "Validation:
To make sure you are not a robot, please type what letters you see in the image right"
(cuz when i registered yesturday - i had to redo the thinggy one time until getting through it)

But now i am trying over and over again...
Ahh - you said above: "One thing I don't like about this software is I can not resend your validation email again. But I am sure I will fix that in due time" - That is probably it!

Well - i hope you can do it sooner rather then later...
I have an option to use my other email address for registration - at Netzero...
But i d rather not... cuz i hardly ever go there..
and all the Subscriptions would go there...
So i d rather stay with Lycos...

Anyhow - i hope you can reset me or fix me up somehow...
ANd let me know in this thread maybe...
I ll check it on regular basis...

OK - email is sent Scott

P.S. - Might as well have some fun for now with Unregistered User names :)
Scott - still you know from email

What is password for Darkman maybe now - so i can get in? :)

Can't use Darkman even now as guest - tells me it's taken..
But what is the Pass? :)
just tried forgot password thinggy - and it said new password is being sent to me..
to Lycos...
So we ll see..
Darkman I just changed your password again to the passwrod you emailed me earlier.

It works I just tried it again. :)
Just use that password and you will be all set.
Is it IE vs. Netscape?

I had some strange registration issues. I switched to Netscape. Now, everything works like a charm. Not sure if it has anything to do with the problem.
hehe - I am in - finally :)

Done it the proper way too - got verification via email...with temp password...and then logged in with it,

and later customized my password and settings...

I AM IN!!!!!
(for now i am just glad to be in - it was a hard uphill road) :)
Phew! Well out of 187 users almost all registrations went fine. :)

Must have been that Lycos thing. :D

Glad to have you here Darkman!
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