? Regarding CBSHD NY in Chicago

WJMorales said:
Can anyone living in the Chicagoland area with Dish Net able to see channel CBSHD 9483 from the 61.5 satellite?

Yes, I live north of Chicago and get CBS HD off of 61.5 on 9483. I'm about 35 miles north of the city and WBBM-DT is very spotty here. All of the other city Digital OTA come in great, in fact all but 2 & 5 even come in when I have my antenna pointed north to get Milwaukee.
chicago is one of the 17 O&O markets, congrats :D

You must live in one of the 17 market areas served by stations owned and operated by the CBS corporation. Owned and operated stations are commonly referred to as O&O stations. (O&O stations serve only 35% of the country. Hence, most areas in the country are served by stations which carry CBS programming, but are owned by independent companies. These are known as affiliates.)

The 17 markets served by CBS O&O stations are: Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Los Angeles, Marquette, Miami, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake City, San Francisco, and Green Bay.
WJMorales said:
I am calling Dish tonight. I will let everyone know tomorrow my results.
I'm also in Chicago receiving CBS NY. After Dish authorized the channel it did not show in the guide. I had to do a switch check to have it mapped in.
I believe it. I spoke with a CSR around 7 pm. He told me I did not qualify, and get this, that I should seek a waiver from CBS in Rockford IL. I explained that I don't have the Rockford locals, that I have the Chicago locals. Dead silence on the line. Then I asked who should I contact or do you know of a web site, again another dead silence. Needless to say I will be calling back tomorrow.

Did anyone have to get a waiver of any sorts?
If you post up which county your in someone can make sure your in the chicago market according to the FCC.... if your not you'll have to get the waiver. :(

Do you already get the Chicago locals through dish? If so this would seem to be proof that it isn't a problem :D

and there is always ceo@dishnetwork.com if you want to speak to someone with a clue.
I've been in this same boat but because of Milwaukee. The issue is that the Rockfrod station can supply you with a grade B signal, even though you are in the Chicago market. Because you're in the B contour of a non CBS O&O station you can't get the WCBS-DT feed. The best thing to do is to contact the Rockford station directly to see if they will grant you a waiver for the WCBS-DT feed. I have a coworked that lives in Lake in the Hills and had the same problem and the station gave him a waiver. The other option is to 'move' to an address that isn't in a B for someone. Actually, the DirecTV web site, http://directvdnseligibility.decisionmark.com/app/AddressEntry.asp is a good way to see who can give you a A or B signal. Good luck!
I called DISH yesterday an hit the number for TECH SUPPORT, she punched in my address (i live in Cary, IL) and within 30 seconds saidd I was approved for CBS-HD feed from NY. So, now the question is where do I get the second DISH from, can I get it for free like WJMorales saus, and do I want to have two dishes on my house?
Well that certainly looks like it works. Stupid question, how do two satellites get put into one box? Do they combine the signals then before you plug into the 811?
If you have a Dish 500, you ALREADY have 2 satellites coming into your 811 - 110 & 119. The receiver sends commands to the 'outside' equipment to select the 'right' feed for the channel you want.

I could go into exhaustive detail about switches, Legacy vs. DishPro, and so forth if you care, but even if you don't care, when the installer adds that second dish, get the details of the gear from him - LNBF types and switch model numbers.

Then when you ask a question here, you post that with the question and we thank you for being a smart, considerate member by saving us time. ;)
Update Guys:

Here's what I got from WIFR.

Dear Mr. Morales,

WIFR does not grant HDTV waivers. We only grant basic wavier requests made by the satellite provider which is done electronically and are determined by signal strength and market location. HDTV waviers unfortunately do not fall in that category as yet. We will be increasing our HDTV signal in October 2004 which hopefully will help you if your reception is poor now. I'm sorry we can not be of any more help to you at this time.


Mark Olson
Chief Engineer
I live in Geneva, IL which is about 30-40 miles due west of Chicago. This HD OTA CBS signal issue is really frustrating. I have an attic mounted Channel Master 30XX from Lowes and am using a signal amplifier from Radioshack. All of the other channels are solid and register upper 80's to lower 90' in signal strength while CBS is around 68. The CBS picture comes in fine, but the dolby digital signal on my receiver drops in and out on occasion. I am not sure if this is an 811 issue, a CBS issue, or a problem with my Denon receiver. I am thinking of upgrading to the 921 and was wondering if the 921 has a better HD OTA section than the 811? I also may need to take a trip to the attic and try the antenna in other locations too. Thank goodness for walkie-talkies and a patient wife.

921 OTA question

What is the 1800 number for dish?

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