I am not sure how profitable this could be, but much of it could be written off as marketing too. As a result of this less cynical people will gain loyalty to the brand in addition to exposing more to the wbstore and online presence.

One thing is for sure, it's a good deal.
Its there.. its listed as the ultimate matrix collection, The only ones I couldnt find was caddyshack, willy waonka and the chocolate factory (the orignial) and the duke of hazard (the new one)
"Ultimate" is not the same as "Complete". It's a different UPC.
I'm still torn if I want to do this or not. I have 3 HD DVD players, and only 2 blu-ray players (PS3, and a combo LG BH200). I'll probably end up keeping with the HD DVD versions.
I am not sure how profitable this could be, but much of it could be written off as marketing too. As a result of this less cynical people will gain loyalty to the brand in addition to exposing more to the wbstore and online presence.

One thing is for sure, it's a good deal.

Yes. I think it's a loss leader, and they plan to recoup the cost in increased sales. Somebody probably figured out it's easier to convert someone to Blu-ray that already has shown an interest in HD, than JSP.
They just changed the Matrix movies. You can now get the ultimate or complete upgraded by only sending in the Cover of Revolutions. Now the bad news is they just bumped the price up to $20 for it along with the Harry Potter series.
Just replaced 11 HD-DVD's. Now I have to find a good home for the ones that have been replaced :). I made sure to get good copies of the covers prior to sending the original ones in.
Looks like the program was more successful than they planned (budgeted) for. Certainly, that PE offer was a great deal.
I filled out the request form on their website on Sunday.

For those of you who already went through the process, how long did it take before you received the email reply with the mailing label?
I emailed about them Sunday just to see what they'll say. Guessing I'll get an 'as supplies last' response.

Response I just received in regards to PE, I knew I should have taken care of it last week :mad:

I do apologize, Planet Earth has been removed from the Red2Blu project. At this time I am not able to tell you if it is gone for good or will be added back on in the future. The best advise I can give you is to sign up for the email updates by clicking the envelope in the upper right hand corner of the Red2Blu website.

If there is anything else we can do for you, please contact us back.


Red2Blu - Upgrade Your Warner Bros. HD-DVDs for New Blu-Ray Discs

Hmmm, I can't upgrade my Complete Matrix Trilogy. No such option there... :(

Had to call them on the phone to get my email sent to me for shipping. WHile I was waiting for tech person to fix the problem I asked just this question. What about Matrix and Terminator 3 being added to the list.
She said the plan will add more to the list if this is successful. Right now this almost like a Beta test.
Sure hope some of the other studios do the same. I got a boat load of stuff I would like to convert.

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