Red Green Show

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SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Dec 26, 2006
Last Saturday I finally remembered to check out this Red Green show, seems to be popular with some of our members. I discovered it on Montana PBS so that's where I watched it. Tonight, looking on Titantv for our local OTA PBS stations I do not find it at all. I thought all these stations pretty much showed the same thing, I wonder why these Alabama PBS channels don't even mention it.
Red Green stopped production in 2006...they did 300 shows and then was done :(

Lots of PBS stations dropped the show because its all reruns now. Red Green is actually a CBC production (and Global beforehand...both Canadian) so this falls under the "you can buy the show if you want" for PBS. I know 3 of the 4 PBS stations in MN show it (yes we have 4 different independent PBS stations in MN)

There are times where the PBS stations can show what they want. As example here in MN
Minneapolis has a show called "Almanac"...a news/political type show Fridays
Bemidji/Brainerd (northern part of MN) has news at 10:00 5 nights a week
Duluth, MN has a few locally produced shows..Venture North being one of them

SO there is only part of the time they follow the set schedule....even with kids shows its different
Duluth shows "Peep and the Big Wide World" (LOVE that show....quack the duck rocks) yet no other PBS in MN shows it
This is a GREAT show! Look for it on MPT. MD Public TV. It's one of the reasons I bought a DTV Pal DVR, so I could record them at my RV site in WV, picking up (Hagertown?) MPT.

The Man's Prayer:

I'm a man
But I can change
If I have to
I guess
Yeah, I liked Red Green. I'd like to see it again. I suppose it's available from Netflix, also.
Youtube has clips to watch. Just type in Redgreen in the search bar at the youtube site. Have a great day.

Remember, I'm pullin for ya. We're all in this together!
Red Green rocks. My wife gets a kick out of Harold's girlfriend which they hardly ever have on. I live in EST, have to record RG on MPBS 125W, too old to stay up that late, I can only hold out about halfway through the 1st episode!
Parts of it were kinda funny to me, the one entire show I got to see (forgot to switch again last night at the right time). It was where they were trying to get their boats and stuff to a campsite someplace, running their cars through the trees with boats strapped on top, etc. Crazy.
thanks for the replies, guess this is one of those 'buy it on dvd' collections to add to my ever-growing list.
I am a BIG FAN of the Red Green Show!

I am partial to their sense of humor as we often have to improvise with duct tape, bailing wire and other junk from our sheds out here at our cabins along the Elkhorn River in Nebraska, but also because 3M is a sponsor of the show and I work for 3M.

I record it off the OETA PBS channel (AMC 21 @ 125.0 W) between 10:00 - 10:22 pm CDT every Friday. You can catch the re-runs on this channel, but there are many shows that I have not seen, so it is often a treat to catch an episode that I haven't witnessed before.

That's one of the benefits of living close to Canada. I've enjoyed Red Green for years!

"Keep yer stick on the ice!"

same here. Have had a Canadian sat system for 6 years now so between the CBC and Comedy Channel I've seen most

About 5 years ago Saskatchewan Community Network (SCN) showed the 1st season...good lord they were bad. They had a laugh & clap track on it
I just discovered Red Green in the last month or so on Montana PBS (11-12 mid. Saturday nights ET)..It had been on Cleveland PBS a few years ago but never really watched it..It is hilarious!..Steve Smith (Red) still does personal appearances and speeches in character..Is late Saturday the only time Montana PBS has the show on?
yep he's got the "wit and wisdom" tour...coming soon :)
Looks like near me in October

Red Green Nav

dang...the PBS stations are tieing pledging to them as part of tickets are $50 minimum :eek:
I've seen most of the Red Green series. Some of the shows are OK and some make me laugh so hard it hurts.

If women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.
Pricing and other concerns have forced us to pass on it. Maybe in some future year. :(
From the official Red Green Facebook Page:

Born December 24, 1945 to mixed parents. Canadian. Male (except for the two weeks after the bicycle crossbar incident) Married to Bernice for 42 years. Right after he met his nephew Harold he made the decision not to have children. Has been leader of Possum Lodge since the late 70's. Does not receive a salary but has access to petty cash. Does not have significant formal education but has access to petty opinions. Retired in 2006 when he ran out of ideas. Rejoined the workforce in 2009 when he ran out of money.

Self appointed master handyman and outdoorsman and a weekly participant in Canada's socialized medical system. The Ambassador for Scotch Brand Duct Tape and a firm believer that no repair job should outlive you. Hates information but loves his own point of view. Likes taking things that were intended for one purpose and using them for something completely different. Oblivious to failure. (That could all change once he experiences success). Either the youngest old man or oldest young man you will ever meet.

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Red Green has had at least three production homes. First they were made at CHCH Hamilton, and at CFPL London. I do not know where Global produced their episodes. CBC produced theirs at the CBC broadcast centre in Toronto. When it was produced ad CHCH and CFPL, it was syndicated to other stations in Canada.
Did anyone catch the movie Saturday the 2nd, on a station we don't divulge here? I set the timer on the openbox, Without going further, IT DIDN'T WORK. Don't know why. And no, titantv lists NO future showings, *$JKLJLGTHD^*|*)!!!
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adding SATS on Openbox Rec.

Mini tornado moved dish.

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