Records but no sound on playback

The "mixer" can be brought up by selecting "Levels" near dead-center on the TT console (just to the right of "Too Short:"). If you do not see it there, as I didn't a moment ago, you may need to go into "Options->Configuration" and enable "Gain Enabled".

Sadly for me, I'm still experience the "no audio" issue. I saw Sholz64's post, but my "record" fader is not active and thus I can't select or adjust it (all other faders work).

man am i happy. i went into the "record mixer" area and clicked on "analog mix" .

i can now record. thank you all. happy new year.

howard 100! :)
stressed said:
man am i happy. i went into the "record mixer" area and clicked on "analog mix" .
i can now record. thank you all. happy new year.
howard 100! :)
Where do you see an "analog mix" option there?
Analog Mix, Stereo Mix, What you Hear, etc are all specific to the sound card / sound card drivers and software.

Unless you have the same card your wording will be different.

Some sound cards do not even support this feature and do not support "internal" recording of audio.

In this case you will need to upgrade to a better sound card.

We know that TimeTrax works with the Creative Live! and Audigy line of cards.

I had this same problem. I went out and bought a new pci Sound Blaster sound card (model SB0410) at Best Buy for $29.99... now works like a champ!
No Sound - Now working

I'm using my laptop and had issues with no sound being recorded. I had the individual files and on play back no sound would play.

I went into my windows audio settings. I have nothing special.. just the onboard sound card of my Dell laptop.

So this is what I did:

1. Double clicked on my speaker in my task tray
2. Selected Options > Properties from the menu
3. I selected the option button that said "Recording"
4. I checked "Stereo Mix" (Left Mic checked as well) Clicked "Ok"
5. A smaller window appeared with two volume levels
6. I checked the "Select" box under "Stero Mix" and brought the slider up about half way.

TT (TimeTrax) now records mp3's to my selected folder.

I hope this helps someone else.


Using Total Recorder with Time Trax

Can I record XM & Sirius at the same time?
