I am building a solar tracker. The mechanics are amazingly similar to a C-Band antenna - a pole, an actuator, some electronics, and a big ugly thing that can move around one axis to point at the sky. Only this one receives sun - light, not satel - light. (sorry)
Why the hell would anyone want to build such a thing? Well, why the hell not? Mostly because it is an interesting technical challenge to build from scratch. And a fantastic piece of yard art that makes electricity.
Now, I got an old 8 foot C-Band antenna, but the motor was frozen up, so that didn't work.: I'd like some recommendations on a reliable new actuator motor.
The solar array will be pretty big - 10 foot square. However, the assembly is well balanced. Unlike an antenna, it will not present much unbalanced weight to haul around. It does present a significant surface area for wind to catch like a sail.
Also unlike an antennae, it will move all the time. The electronics will drive it to the east every morning, and then it will track the sun to the west until it sets, then return to the east. So the motor will get a real workout. It will need a 24" actuator to span the angle range it is built for.
I am looking at some 24" actuators on Ebay = Harl 3624 and Powermax PM24. Are either of these any good? I found some threads about quality issues with Harl. What would you recommend for such an application?
Why the hell would anyone want to build such a thing? Well, why the hell not? Mostly because it is an interesting technical challenge to build from scratch. And a fantastic piece of yard art that makes electricity.
Now, I got an old 8 foot C-Band antenna, but the motor was frozen up, so that didn't work.: I'd like some recommendations on a reliable new actuator motor.
The solar array will be pretty big - 10 foot square. However, the assembly is well balanced. Unlike an antenna, it will not present much unbalanced weight to haul around. It does present a significant surface area for wind to catch like a sail.
Also unlike an antennae, it will move all the time. The electronics will drive it to the east every morning, and then it will track the sun to the west until it sets, then return to the east. So the motor will get a real workout. It will need a 24" actuator to span the angle range it is built for.
I am looking at some 24" actuators on Ebay = Harl 3624 and Powermax PM24. Are either of these any good? I found some threads about quality issues with Harl. What would you recommend for such an application?