That is why I always have a spare on hand, although after dropping in the spa, if I immediately run it under my filtered cold water tap, it will survive.
Funny you should mention that. The OP was looking for a waterproof remote.
I also find Dish's new "Learning remote" to be an excellent universal control. This is the model -21
According to your signature, you don't yet have a Hopper. Those use the model 32 and 40 remotes for RF, battery monitoring, signal strength and location tone. The 20/21 and older models work with Hopper only in IR mode.
While Dish remotes are more universal than DirecTV remotes thanks to the learning feature, they aren't very useful for saving button presses. I find the $9 RCA RCRP05B mentioned a few posts back to be much more functional. Not only does it learn, but also does global macros (15 steps), device specific macros, shifted functions and is programmable from a computer with an optional cable, giving you almost unlimited capabilities, surpassing even harmony. Using JP1 software with the RCA, you get 5 functions per button, nested subroutines and branching, variables, flags, state tracking, unlimited devices via multiplexing, keygroup mapping, a graphical programming interface, pronto hex import, IR signal analysis, custom device and protocol building tools, and more, all for $9 plus a $5 cable.
While harmony is very popular and well liked, its only useful in simple systems mostly due to its limited or non-existent macro capabilities.
I do have to retract something I said earlier (can't edit my post). I managed to get my hopper captions macro down to 5 steps, so it should theoretically work on harmony.