Got that 75ft HMDI cable from monoprice. Man that thing is a monster. New it was going to be big but thought it would be more flat than round. It is going to take some thought on how to run this. Orginal plan had it going across a couple of doorways but dont see that happening. I also picked up a 46" Dynex to hook it up to. I know what you are thinking but was all I could afford and it is for the bedroom. Think it will look ok once hooked up. I did hook it up to my 722 for a few minutes and other than having to use the wide setting for a full picture it looked ok. Seems strange that a full picture 1080i screen does not use the normal setting to fill the screen but what ever. Called Dynex about it and they said that was normal. Aspect does look right when on the wide setting. On normal the picture looks like a standard but faces and bodys are thin.