reception problem


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
This is actually a two part question. The first is somewhat easy, any chance that Dish will get the MLB Extra Innings package for next season? This is critical on whether I stay with Dish or go to Direct. There are less and less games on the regular stations and I like the Dodgers and Angels and can't get them up here in NorCal. I would prefer to stay with Dish since I have been with them for 5 years and can't complain much except for the next part of the question. My reception is usually very good where I live in the mountains but, it seems for the past few months I keep getting the dreaded "acquiring satellite" message at all hours of the day. I have called Dish CSR and they really don't have a clue of what it could be. I did check out my alignment and found it off a little and increased my reception on the 119 bird from a paultry 61% to 78% on most transponders. The 110 bird is usually in the high 90s to over 100% and never lose reception on those channels. I am still getting pixalation and loss of reception and it is getting frustrating. Any ideas or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks, Mike
PS I have a 501 reciever and the older setup with SW-21 switches.
Does it have pixellation on all channels or just some channels? If you have pixellation on just some of the channels then you might be on the borderline of getting a locked signal (around 40% needed usually to get the signal to lock). Also it could be a tuner failing in which some customers have had problems with.
I only get pixalation on just a few, ESPN, Locals so it comes off of 119 only. This is the tired 501 I have had because I had so much trouble with the first two till this last one seemed to work fine, until now. I have had it about 18 months and only have had trouble with it for the last 3-4 months. My 4000 mod in the bedroom seems to work fine, because I can't remember it going out like the 501. Dish CSR doesn't seem to have an answer for the problem, even though I know others have called them with the same problem. I want to upgrade to a new 510 but I am waiting to see if Dish gets the MLB package for next year. I don't want to spend money for something I might not keep. Thanks for the info. Mike
There has been a problem lately with intermittent pixellation on the channels from Sat119/T4. But that wouldn't explain your loss of signal.

1st thing I would do is replace the SW21 just in case. They do fail & they're easy & cheap to replace.

The tuner on my own 501 died & I had to replace it so, unfortunately, that's a possibilty if you know there's no intermittent obstruction & the cables & connectors are in good shape.

MLBEI is open for bidding to start with the next season so, sure, there's a good chance DISH will have it.
INHD debuts Sept. 15 with 3 MLB games a week.
Tues,thur. & fri.-contract runs thru 2005.
Charlie should jump now. Then he can say all
winter long, we already had the 2003 season &
we're starting our 2nd season in April.
Would sound much better than saying were
working on have INHD in time for the upcoming
season spring season.
Wake up charlie, don't you see what lies against
your face. Something better than ESPNHD.
I have been having trouble the last couple of weeks with one of my set of locals. It has been out for 3 hours tonight on all stations. The Denver locals and all other channels are fine. Any ideas or anyone else having this problem. It is the Minneapolis locals.

Will 6000 operate on a SD Set?

Free HD Package Preview??

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