Recast 1.2 crashes intermitently


Original poster
May 1, 2005
It'll run for minutes to days, then poof. Crashes. I'm using it on an XP SP2 machine with an XM PC.

Like today, for instance. I got 5 sements of the show I record, then it bailed and when I got home from work I had the "do you wanna send MS this info?" dialog waiting for me.

Getting pretty annoying.

Any suggestions?
Make sure that you are using the latest release - there have been several bug fixes released. If you are still experiencing the issue, there is another bug fix coming out soon that will be available for public beta.

Besides that very general advice, if you haven't already opened up a support ticket, please do so that we can gather some information for you in case you are having a problem that has not yet been reported that we can fix.

Another, last case option is that we can get you an earlier version of 'TimeTrax' (the predecessor to 'Recast') to see if you have more luck and stability with that. All of this can be handled with a support ticket and then it would be helpful to report back here so that others know what worked and didn't work for you.

Time Trax
Thanks for getting back.

I think I'm using the most current ver; at least when I click on the "Udate Program" menu it says I'm current. Ver 1.2.

Please point me toward where I open a support ticket....don't see it here anywhere.

The reason I went to ReCast is because my TimeTrax ver was "acting up", can't remember the details. But I'll take an older but stable Timetrax ver if you're offering.
To open a ticket, go to and select 'CONTACT SUPPORT' on the left menu. You will need to log in using the username and password you created when you made your purchase.

If Recast says you have the current version, then you do.

I think there was a big step in the right direction on the beta we are waiting on for release - I'll know in the AM.

Time Trax
To do a support ticket you need to go to the TT web site and log in under the support and drivers tab at the top. It will look like you are buying something, but will allow you to get a login name and password and it will then give you the support option.
Thank you for clarifying awillc. To submit a ticket you need to login. If you made a purchase it is the same username and password that you created during that process. If you have not yet purchased, you should select 'new customers' which will allow you to set-up a new account which you can then use to login for any section of our website that requires it, including purchasing.

Time Trax
I am a registered used of TimeTrax (over 1-year now). I was using the old TimeTrax version and only today upraded to the Recast. I use XM PCR and everything worked well under the old version. Today, I get the upgrade and it continually kicks me off saying it has encountered a severe error. However, it only started this when I directed my firewall to block outgoing attempts. Then it started popping up continuous requests to go to the internet. After about 4-6 blocks, it errors out.

It was my understanding the software gets its information regarding channels, etc from the radio antenna and satellite, not from the internet. The computer only supplies a place to display what is playing and provides power for the unit. I have used the old software without an internet connection and that was how it worked. I travel and sometimes internet access is hit/miss or only dial up. That is why I went with the XM PCR. I could get XM music without the internet and without carrying a lot of equipment on the plane.

Has the requirement for internet access changed? I have it set, for now, to not check for upgrades, which was the only thing it should be going to the internet for.
Here is what I did:

I removed it from blocked applications.
Then I added it back with no permissions.
When I restarted the application, it asks for permission (via my firewall) to go to register1.timetraxtech (cannot post full URL because I do not have 5 posts and I am blocked from having a URL in my post). I blocked this.
I checked my registration and it states I am fully licensed.

When I block access, it malfunctions causing the software to shutdown and the music to continue. I am thinking, to prevent piracy, they want to verify a user is registered before allowing the software to work or it malfunctions. Just an uneducated guess. Until this is resolved, I will reload the older version.

If this is indeed the cause, it will be worthless to me when I travel because I rarely have internet access on the computer in the hotels.


NOTE: I went back to TimeTrax (not recast) 3.2 and with internet blocked it does not crash. Do not know if this is causing the crash, but it seemed to be the cause on my machine. If I allowed internet access (once) I had no problem.
Recast has a new requirement that Internet access is required to support some of the new advanced features as well as future planned services and features.

We are curently exploring the possibility of allowing users to opt out of the advanced features thereby eliminating the requirement of Internet access - although this is not a current option.

If it is possible it will not become available at least until our next major revision release (whole number increment).

I hope this clarifies it.

No internet access

I use TimeTrax in a Car PC application where internet access is definitely NOT always available! Would really appreciate a switch to allow non internet use (with defeaturing OK).

What possible future features would require internet access... except for the first registration of the product and then updates. It just seems super fishy that you would require recast to require the internet connection. Are there any examples of future services that would require this constant connection?

What worries me here is that in my area - I have interuptions on my internet connection - A LOT - so if I had interuptions - I would not get my recordings - and that bothers me a lot. Furthermore, as I get closer to the winter months and snow - my area has more power failures which leads to internet connections being down (I use APC 1000 and 1400 BackUPS on any electronics I have) and now - again - I would lose my recordings.

This is RADIO - Its not CABLE TV where you need power from the lines to power everything that gets your signal to the receiver. Its RADIO and its independant. Tieing it to the internet sets me up for problems. And that worries me - A LOT

I understand this might be in the wrong spot - but I do not think it warrents a deletion - I am just asking questions about future services and my worry about the connection.
No internet access

I use TimeTrax in a Car PC application where internet access is definitely NOT always available! Would really appreciate a switch to allow non internet use (with defeaturing OK).


Longstanding Problem..

Skin creation / scaling

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