RE: My e-mail to Dish Network and their response>


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
May 13, 2004
Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
Everyone, this was a e-mail that I sent to the CC e-mail. Anyways, I figured it would be a good starter, first is their response back to me, then my e-mail that I sent them! read their response carefully. It actually says they care about their customers, remember this the next time they tell us one thing and then a few months later they change their minds.

Dear Mr. ******,
Thank you for your email. We want to apologize for not meeting your expectations in customer service. We pride ourselves with providing each and every customer with a positive experience when contacting us. Feedback from our customers, both positive and negative, drives the quality of our customer service. It is apparent in our quest for providing our customers with world class customer service, we have fallen short. We have forwarded your concern to the appropriate department for further review. Again, we apologize for any confusion or inconvenience caused by this issue.
As a current customer, you may also use our website to view your current or previous billing statements, add services, or make payments to your account. Please use the link to visit our Online Customer Support Center.
Your business is greatly appreciated and we thank you for allowing us to be of assistance to you. If you have any further questions or concerns, please refer to
Andrea H.
DISH Network eCare
** Please include all previous correspondence when replying. **
-----original message-----

-----Original Message-----
From: CharlieChat
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 7:33 PM
To: Q&A
Subject: FW: Other

>From: ************************
>Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 7:32:36 PM
>To: CharlieChat
>Subject: Other
>Auto forwarded by a Rule
Show: Charlie Chat
Name: ********************
Email: ***********************
Phone Number: **********************
Subject: Other
To Whom it May Concern:
Why do you even bother running your Tech Forum and Charlie Chat every
month. You don't give ANY information, or at least any useful information.
What on earth is going on, you spent five or so minutes talking about a
clock, I don't want a clock, nor do I care about the clock, I have several
clocks already and I am not paying for a stupid clock.
Where is the HDTV, where is my 811's features like favorites list, why
can't you give me an answer on anything important? I am getting very tired
of your customer support, I don't call your customer support number
anymore because I never get answers to any questions that I have. I've had
your 811 since March, and it still isn't functioning like it was
advertised, or per Owners manual, which is advertisement actually. If your
811 was anything else do you honestly believe people would put up with it.
Perhaps you should look at, and and
read a few post from owners of your products so that you can actually
spend time with your Charlie Chats and Tech Forums answering customers
questions, not showing us some stupid clock!
I can't believe I wasted my time turning in to Charlie Chat this last
Monday, but I thought maybe you would give something useful. Perhaps you
could add some HD, or perhaps get on the ball and simply fix my 811, I
could care less about enhancements right now, just fix it, is all I want.
If you bought something and it didn't work like it was supposed to, or
even with bugs, would you be happy, especially if every time you got a
chance to find out if the manufacture was going to fix it, they spent
their time talking about a clock!
My rating of you 1 being the least 10 being highest!
Equipment 1
Service 1
Price of Programming and Programming Selection 8 (not counting HD
I don't care that there is no "Compelling Content", which after you say
that you add TNT-HD, which is the least compelling of what is out there.
What about Starz HD, or some movie channel that plays nothing but HD
Movies, other than Hdnet Movies which doesn't play very good movies.
I am very un-happy, and you talking about a clock just made me that much
more un-happy. (and it wasn't just the clock, spending time talking about
internationals, the long winded answers to simple questions, and etc...)
Here's something I'd like to see, take a tough question from someone for
once and answer it, instead of just taking easy, repetitive questions. Why
is it I can only store 120 channels total between all four of my Favorites
list on my 811, why do I still have dark video issues, why does my 811
still crash from time to time, when is all of Dish Home going to be
available on my 811, why is it when I press in numbers to change channels
it pops up the dialog about not needing to use the * for format? And the
list goes on................. And thats just for my 811, not to mention my
two 301's.
I think that the Charlie Chat people were trying to have a little bit of fun on the show since it was their last show of the year. I thought it was kind of funny myself.
Asking questions of Dish is like writing your Congressman. All replys are form letter BS!

Before SHIVA was passed, Dish said, "Write your Congressman. We will IMMEDIATELY provide distant HD Nets to those areas without local HD."

Now they mumble something about three years.

I wrote and asked for clarification. The answer was, "Yada, yada, no info, yada, yada, thank you, yada, yada, HD leader, yada, yada, etc., etc."

It's a damn simple question. Is the FCC holding this up; or is it Dish?

I don't need anymore "Yada,yada." :-(
I certainly understand your frustration, but if someone sent me an email like that, it would be deleted immediately, the sender blocked, and a terse reply sent back to you telling you to feel free to go to D* or back to cable. One can a point without being insulting and condescending.
I agree clapple, I thought we would get the networks in HD real quick if our locals didn't provide us with a digital signal.
minnow said:
I certainly understand your frustration, but if someone sent me an email like that, it would be deleted immediately, the sender blocked, and a terse reply sent back to you telling you to feel free to go to D* or back to cable. One can a point without being insulting and condescending.
Think about this, I've sent Dish Network several e-mails, I've called them on several different issues with just my 811 over the past nine months, and I've been very nice, simply asking or stating that my receiver started doing this, or it stopped doing this, or what ever, and the response that I got back from e-mail, at least, NEVER answered any of the questions that I had. On the phone, on one particular situation I called three different times about the same issue, and each time the CSR gave me a different response, and each time the CSR told me that should take care of it, and one or two days later it would come up again and I would have to call again, how much patience am I supposed to give these people, am I supposed to tell them "your service is the best in the world" when time after time they let me down. And one other thing, when I would call their Customer support and stuff like that above would happen, I would e-mail and their regular customer support e-mail telling them what happened in a very nice way, simply stating that I was unable to get the answer I needed from their customer support, and guess what, I wouldn't receive any response back. Then I come here and and I read post from other people that had the same problem, and so they called Customer support, and were told, "we don't have any records of that problem"!

And what in my e-mail was so bad, I am unhappy with them, and there is no sense in not telling them that I am unhappy. If they don't hear from their customers, they will never know if what they are doing is good or bad. They even said it in their e-mail, "both negative and positive." If Dish Network does something right I will and have e-mailed them and told them so. For instance when they were having their Viacom dispute, I e-mailed them, saying I supported them 100%, and I would continue being their customer. But if after what I've been through in the last nine months isn't enough for me to tell them how frustrated I am with them, then when is it enough. It is fine if you would tell me to go to hell, but that isn't any way to run a business. And to say the least about Dish Network, they don't run business like that either. I vented to them, whether or not it will do any good, who knows, but I've said my peace, and only time will tell.

And as far as Charlie Chats go, I've called in in the past asking different questions, and it seems to me, that a year or more ago CC's would make you feel more apart of the show. They would give useful info, and they actually addressed customers concerns. Now, it seems, they don't answer any real question, they don't talk about anything that is of use by us. They didn't even talk about the MPEG 4 issue until someone got through and asked them about it, and even then they were light on info. I mean, how long before they implement MPEG 4, what happens to all of the current receivers, and etc. were never touched. I understand not letting your eggs out of the basket before the hatch, but a few words to calm the waters would have been nice. A brief explanation on why they were going back on previous statements. (NBR, etc...) But, talking about the year ahead, even from a rumor point of view would have been nice, where do they plan on going, what would they like to see happen, how will SHIVA affect us, and etc. would have been ok too.

The main reason I posted that e-mail here is so that other people could read something from Dish Network that says, they care about their customers concerns. Everyone that is a 921,811,721, 508, etc.. owner on this board are pissed, and perhaps rightfully so, at Dish Network. Some are saying that Dish doesn't care about us, (their customers) and I wanted to post something that said the opposite. As far as posting my e-mail, that was because it didn't make a lot of sense posting something from Dish, without posting why they said what they said.

As far as going back to Directv or cable is concerned: Firstly, cable is not in my area. And as far as Direct goes, I've already done that, I was a Directv customer for seven years, and I got tired of their lack of additional channels and their price for those channels. That is why I pointed out in my e-mail that programming to price is very good with Dish, but it is things that shouldn't be a problem that they are loosing me on. (buggy equipment, lack of support, and etc...) When I call with an issue I'd like help, not something that they think up. And like I said I would call and simply say something like: I was wondering why my 811 won't download SW version 281, it starts, but then it freezes? Do you see anything "condescending" in that question? Or should I not bother them with my questions, should I just fork out money and never expect answers to questions that I might have?

I've tried to be nice, and it took this e-mail to actually get a response, I've tried the nice route and I never and I mean never got any response let alone a yada, yada response. And by the way, this response actually made me happy, just the fact that they responded back to me alleviated most of my frustration. So whether or not you agree with me, my e-mail got the response I was looking for. Read it, they talk about caring about their customers, and will try harder in the future. (forwarding it to the proper channels, is at least a start in the right direction) And another thing, I actually e-mailed them back thanking them for their response.
stormchaser3003 said:
I think that the Charlie Chat people were trying to have a little bit of fun on the show since it was their last show of the year. I thought it was kind of funny myself.
I agree that they were just trying to have fun, and I don't have a problem with that, but they could have spent a few more minutes being serious.

Question about current E* cust wanting to updrade to HDTV

We Want More Hd, Charlie!!!!

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