Re installing BUD on new site..arrrrgh

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Hey, what extensions for video are allowed for video clips? I just tried to upload a short clip of that 'snow' and it wouldn't allow the .mov extension.
I tried to attach a video clip a while back while some of us were figuring out streaming from the Amiko Mini HD SE but it would not let me. I put the clip in a ZIP file, uploaded it and that worked. :)
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Yeah just zip it up. :)
or upload to your YouTube account and post the link.
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Have a number of satellites experienced an orbital shift in the past few years?. I hadn't used my setup for a few years since an errant hurricane blew through and knocked everything out at the old house, but I went to re check aiming asngles for a giggle, and what had averaged out around 45 deg is now something around 30 ish deg ( OK I'll do the math after I recover from heat stroke from changing out the lnbf and fighting a stuck adjuster screw in 111 deg heat :-)
Have a number of satellites experienced an orbital shift in the past few years?. I hadn't used my setup for a few years since an errant hurricane blew through and knocked everything out at the old house, but I went to re check aiming asngles for a giggle, and what had averaged out around 45 deg is now something around 30 ish deg ( OK I'll do the math after I recover from heat stroke from changing out the lnbf and fighting a stuck adjuster screw in 111 deg heat :)

I'd say that the hurricane had more to do with the changes than you think. 80- 100mph wind alone can provide 500lbs of force against a 10ft satellite dish.
It's all becoming temporary moot as my old lnbf apparently is dead as a doornail so off to order another. At least all the links in the chain will be new again :-)
ISO far I'm impressed with that amiko unit, instead of setting on a sat and being asked a gazillion setup options, that all have to be perfect or no go, it only seems to want you to find the thing. Now to take care of my signal problem and I'll be in business:-)
I'd say that the hurricane had more to do with the changes than you think. 80- 100mph wind alone can provide 500lbs of force against a 10ft satellite dish.
No joke, the set bolts dug grooves in the post and I spent a couple weeks with auto body tools straightening the dish frame out (still a few small ouches in the screen, but not enough to paralyze it)
That is my ad. I found that I didn't use the internet based things very much, and preferred my MicroHD and I am trying a HDVR3500 too, so I wasn't using this Amiko. It is like new. Never used it much at all.
I bought my micro HD off of you two or three years ago because you did not like it.
Looks like I've finally got some good luck. I jus spent the evening watching TV from Atlantic Canada on Galaxy 19 I believe it is and its coming in great .setup wih the Amiko was stupid simple,still need to finish setting everything else up,but off to a promising start. Thanks
Unfortunately, the app required for all that nifty advanced stuff to work like backups won't download tonight, kept getting message corrupted file at source, I sent them an email, I bet it will be straightened out by noon, I have it shut down till then.
After living off 3PBS channels for the last yearI'm ready to get this thing going :-)
The APP for backup should be on the receiver, no need to download.
Hit the home key on remote and then hit the <<(double left arrow) to get over to System at the top.
Then use your arrow keys to go over Backup or airmouse over there and hit ok.
I stumbled across that in an insomniacs induced stupor last night, but I'm surprised I didn't program the thing to paddle itself to Tahiti :-)
This newfangled stuff is pretty nifty. It look like I was off a sat or two, looks like I zeroed in on Anik f1, but I'm getting a better scan now. I was off by a little but as we know an inch or so down here isoodles of miles up there
Now if I can just figure out how to get this thing to get the rest of the date to fall in line, I assume after getting the he motor controls set to play nice it will scan the whole bunch
Ok, I've warned you a couple times now. If you don't backup this receiver, you might end up being very sorry if you keep playing with it figuring it out... There's a few others that learned that the hard way.

Just a friendly reminder. There is NO easy recourse if something bad happens, and you don't have a good backup... This is not just a simple fta receiver. You can not use somebody else's backup to fix your receiver if you brick it, not with this receiver anyway.
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I'll add my thoughts here too. The A3 is an Android computer and, like any computer, if it crashes it can't be easily restored without a backup. You can't download the custom user apps that came on it, many of which were developed specifically for North America. The European apps will kind of work but much of the functionality will be lost with them.

The very first thing I did with both my A3s was to make two full backups of each one (one to the hard drive and one to a USB flash drive). That was before I ever connected either of them to my network or the satellite dishes. I also make a backup both before and after making any significant changes to the receivers. The backup is renamed to reflect which receiver it's for as well as the date.

Backups are easy to make and, as has been previously stated, not having a local backup can result in a very bad experience in the event of a crash of some kind.
Ok, I've warned you a couple times now. If you don't backup this receiver, you might end up being very sorry if you keep playing with it figuring it out... There's a few others that learned that the hard way.

Just a friendly reminder. There is NO easy recourse if something bad happens, and you don't have a good backup... This is not just a simple fta receiver. You can not use somebody else's backup to fix your receiver if you brick it, not with this receiver anyway.
That was the absolute first thing I did once I discovered the internal access to the control applicationlast night. Everything is safely backed up and tucked away. I was getting pretty nervous about it having had a few things go belly up after auto updates, and every time customer support suddenly becomes scarce, so that was priority one.
Neither of my A3s auto updates anything. I had already disabled Google Play updates when T134 posted the attached guide.

Far too often the programmer/provider introduces new "improvements" in their apps that change or disable functions I liked and was using. Otherwise I wouldn't have been using it. I always want to see if there's something I want or need in an update or if it drops support for something I'm using.

I think support for the Amiko receivers (including the A3) has been excellent from all the vendors.


I like that the Amiko lets you pick if you want anything to change. So far this thing has done everything its supposed to... Now if everything else would, I'd be in good shape:-)
At least my old lnbf decided to function long enough to try things out, and as far as the v. Box motor controller...that thing will summarily be used for target practice, shortly before being repurposed as a trot line sinker.
I'm about to get some new goodies from Titanium and quit fighting it
Here's a few videos of the 'snow' on the camera faced out toward our horse corral that I took tonight. You can see what had looked like maybe smoke in the still picture I posted earlier on in this thread is actually round, not streams at all, it just moves so fast sometimes that the still camera can't catch it. The small green dot you can see is the power light reflecting off of the TV screen and the picture's jumpy because I used my wife's Kodak digital camera to film our living room TV screen. In the second video it jumps around a lot at the beginning cause I almost dropped the camera, excuse the dirty work sneakers and other junk lying around at the beginning, the room's half torn apart getting ready for new sheet rock. :eek:

Right now it's really going crazy here, but I can't post a video of it up because the battery died in my wife's camera. :(

What it's doing here now makes the videos I posted look like nothing.

Geez, I couldn't upload just the movie files with the .mov extension, now it won't let me upload .rar file extensions. Will try zip.

Zip seems to have worked, the videos are in .mov format.


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