from the cba you posted
Section 1.
Any dispute (hereinafter referred to as a "grievance") arising after
the execution of this Agreement and involving the interpretation of, application of, or
compliance with, any provision of this Agreement, the NFL Player Contract,the Practice
Squad Player Contract,or any applicable provision of the NFL Constitution and Bylaws
or NFL Rules pertaining to the terms and conditions of employment of NFL players,
will be resolved exclusively in accordance with the procedure set forth in this Article,
except wherever an other method of dispute resolution is set forth elsewhere in this
Section 2.Initiation:
A grievance may be initiated by a player, a Club, the Management
Council, or the NFLPA. A grievance must be initiated within fifty (50) days from the
date of the occurrence or non-occurrence upon which the grievance is based, or within
fifty (50) days fromthe date on which the facts of the matter became known or reasonably should have been known to the party initiating the grievance, whichever is later. A player need not be under contract to a Club at the time a grievance relating to him arises
or at the time such grievance is initiated or processed.
Section 3.Filing:
Subject to the provisions of Section 2 above, a player or the NFLPA
may initiate a grievance by filing a written notice by certified mail, fax, or electronically
via .pdf with the Management Council and furnishing a copy of such notice to the
Club(s) involved; a Club or the Management Council may initiate a grievance by filing
written notice by certified mail, fax, or electronically via .pdf with the NFLPA and furnishing a copy of such notice
to the player(s) involved. The notice will set forth thespecifics of the alleged action or inaction giving rise to the grievance.
If a grievance is filed by a player without the involvement of the NFLPA, the Management Council will
promptly send copies of the grievance and answer to the NFLPA.
The party to whom a Non-Injury Grievance has been presented will answer in writing by certified mail, fax, or
electronically via .pdf within ten (10) days of receipt of the grievance. The answer will set forth admissions or denials as to the facts alleged in the grievance. If the answer denies the grievance, the specific grounds for denial will be set forth. The answering party will
provide a copy of the answer to the player(s) or Club(s) involved and the NFLPA or theManagement Council as may be applicable. See also Section 14 below regarding electronic exchange of Standard Grievance Correspondence.
A grievance can be denied by the answering party. Then his only option is turning to a court of law.