rate increase

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Reactions: John2021
Thanks for the update, John. Personally I have a cap on what I'm willing to pay for Satellite Radio. Any more than that and I'll cancel. I have several large capacity USB drives loaded with music that I own to satisfy my needs if it gets to that point.
same here i have a cap on what i'll pay for sat radio and i see no value in it at all. i have 8 512 gb thumb drives that i can load music onto for my needs. best thing with that is no annoying DJ'S. sxm seems like a pay per use mp3 player. i would never pay 30.00 for radio LOL
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Reactions: TRG
Thanks for the update, John. Personally I have a cap on what I'm willing to pay for Satellite Radio. Any more than that and I'll cancel. I have several large capacity USB drives loaded with music that I own to satisfy my needs if it gets to that point.
don't forget to call in and threaten to cancel. for a better deal!!! :). i haven't paid full price since 2008 nor would i :) ;). i don't know how in the hell they think radio's worth 30.00 a month!!!
What s/w do you use to transfer music from PC (CD etc) to thumb drive?

Do you get album lists, song titles etc? Or just label the USB drive? Any choosing which track to play?
I don't think I have Ever paid Full Price for it ...
I also have found that its been MUCH easier to work with thier Chat for Renewal.
1st, you don't have to try to understand someone from another country that doesn't speak English well ...
2nd you don't have to listen to her babble one each time you do a radio (I have 2 radios, so she has to do the same thing for each radio, so she repeats herself.
Don't forget , you also get streaming.

Thoughts on December 2023 SXM App Update

SXM still giving discounts
