Random Thoughts, distaff style


On Vacation
Original poster
Apr 10, 2008
It's been a while for me...

1. Joe Torre bringing the Dodgers to the playoffs has to be salt in the wounds for the Yankee braintrust. That he's doing it in a terrible division doesn't soften the blow much, if at all.

2. If Joe Girardi hadn't already had a good season managing the Marlins, I would question his ability to right this ship. Even factoring that in, I'm not 100% convinced.

3. The Yankees have never recovered from October 2004, when the Red Sox were humiliated in the first three games, then dished out their own humiliation in the next four. The teams have since headed in opposite directions, with the Red Sox doing so many things right, and the Yankees so many things wrong since then.

4. The Rays story is not getting enough publicity. Just an amazing season.

5. The Mets are doing everything they can to miss the playoffs, but the Brewers are not co-operating.

6. Did the Rockies start their 22 game winning streak yet?

7. Lots of pressure on Lou Piniella in the playoffs. His post game press conferences are going to be interesting to say the least.

8. The football Giants are playing every weak team there is the next few weeks, except Ohio State.

9. On behalf of all Buckeye fans I'd like to apologize for my team wasting about 11 hours of your time in the last three big out of conference games they've played. Neither you or I will ever get that time back.

10. Another one of my teams that hasn't recovered from a big loss, this one being the first blowout against Florida. The team has played scared, and Tressel has coached scared in big games, ever since.

11. One more triathlon, this Saturday in Virginia. It's Olympic distance, swim a mile, bike 25 miles, run 6.2 miles. I am currently in the best shape of my life, with a resting pulse of 50.

12. So far I've completed two sprint triathlons, one in May and one four weeks ago on the Jersey shore. An Olympic is twice as long, but a lot more than twice as difficult.

13. Anyone familiar with Tony Horton's P90x workout DVD's? I think I may try that after a week rest from triathlon training.

14. So psyched Entourage is back. The Shield, Weeds and Mad Men too.

15. I watched an old Woody Allen/Diane Keaton movie last night, Love and Death. It was hysterical...check it out.

16. Why am I the only one who knows the Rangers will be absolutely terrible this year, unless Henrik does something he hasn't done yet...dominated an entire season. Every writer and every message poster I've seen thinks we're going to be good at least, perhaps great. You don't lose a Sean Avery and a Martin Straka and improve. You just don't.

17. Hank Moody is one of the great characters on television.

18. I feel bad for Ed Hochiuli. If I were Norv Turner I wouldn't pick a fight with Hochiuli if I meet him in an alley. That referee has some huge arms.

19. Tom who?

20. I really enjoyed the final between Jankovic and Serena Williams. Great tennis, and Serena is one athlete I'd really like to meet...she seems so genuine. Henrik Lundqvist is the other, for a whole different reason. ;)

21. John McEnroe is one of the best announcers on television...in any sport.

22. This is my first year with NFL Sunday Ticket. Oh my, it's beyond amazing. The Red Zone channel alone is worth the price of admission.

23. How come the NFL game mix channel has the games in HD and the MLB game mix channel doesn't?

24. I really hope Hockey Night in Canada games are in HD this year.

25. A funny line from Jimmy Kimmel...he said Sarah Palin looks like one of those teachers in a Van Halen video who takes off her glasses, undoes her hair, and all of a sudden she's in a bikini and high heels.

26. Southside Johnny is on Conan tonight with LaBamba. I guess you have to be a Jersey Shore girl (or boy) to appreciate that, but you should watch anyway. Love the South.

27. Mike is better without the Mad Dog. I'm sick of getting screamed at by him and Craig Carton. I don't even listen to FAN in the morning anymore, I'm strictly Mike and Mike, with some Angelo Cataldi from 610 WIP Philly thrown in. I can only take Angelo in small doses too, though...too much 'guy' humor, that isn't as funny as he thinks it is.

28. Is there anything better than buying a whole new wardrobe because all of your jeans are way too big? :D

29. Peter Nedved. No offer for Brendan Shanahan, but Nedved is coming in for a tryout. The Edmonton Genius strikes again. Unbelievable.

30. Can someone please tell Henrik Lundqvist all my jeans are way too big? :yes

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1. Joe Torre bringing the Dodgers to the playoffs has to be salt in the wounds for the Yankee braintrust. That he's doing it in a terrible division doesn't soften the blow much, if at all.

Torre's a great coach and a class act. I will miss having him in the AL. Good to see him do well in LA though.

4. The Rays story is not getting enough publicity. Just an amazing season.

I agree. And to do it in the toughest division in baseball is even more impressive.

7. Lots of pressure on Lou Piniella in the playoffs. His post game press conferences are going to be interesting to say the least.

Lou is the perfect manager in this situation. The only other manager that could handle this upcoming pressure would be Torre.

9. On behalf of all Buckeye fans I'd like to apologize for my team wasting about 11 hours of your time in the last three big out of conference games they've played. Neither you or I will ever get that time back.


11. One more triathlon, this Saturday in Virginia. It's Olympic distance, swim a mile, bike 25 miles, run 6.2 miles. I am currently in the best shape of my life, with a resting pulse of 50.

Good luck.

12. So far I've completed two sprint triathlons, one in May and one four weeks ago on the Jersey shore. An Olympic is twice as long, but a lot more than twice as difficult.

Can we start referring to you as Sandra- Usain- Bolt?!

14. So psyched Entourage is back. The Shield, Weeds and Mad Men too.

I'm looking forward to Friday Night Lights. Easily the best TV show that no one knows about.

18. I feel bad for Ed Hochiuli. If I were Norv Turner I wouldn't pick a fight with Hochiuli if I meet him in an alley. That referee has some huge arms.

Yeah. This guy would also kick Dick Bavetta's ass!


21. John McEnroe is one of the best announcers on television...in any sport.

He IS very underrated.

25. A funny line from Jimmy Kimmel...he said Sarah Palin looks like one of those teachers in a Van Halen video who takes off her glasses, undoes her hair, and all of a sudden she's in a bikini and high heels.

Lol. Did you see the SNL skit with Tina Fey last weekend? Fey looked and sounded exactly like Palin.

27. Mike is better without the Mad Dog. I sick of getting screamed at by him and Craig Carton. I don't even listen to FAN in the morning anymore, I'm strictly Mike and Mike, with some Angelo Cataldi from 610 WIP Philly thrown in. I can only take Angelo in small doses too, though...too much 'guy' humor, that isn't as funny as he thinks it is.

There is no alternative solution on terrestrial radio for me besides Mike & Mike in the morning. For this reason alone, I got Sirius. (Not a big fan of the Mikes). In the morning I like to listen to Sirius NFL or Howard.
Nice to see Sandra's finally back- been a while since I heard an Islander joke.

Anyway, you're also a Jets fan- I haven't heard you mention the arrival of YKH (Bill give me that suggestion).

One guy I know even compared it to the arrival of Mark Messier in 1991.
Now that Sandy's back, will Visitor speak of the Islanders and possibly provoke our resident Icelander-basher?

This could be more entertaining than the Steelers/Browns/Bengals arugments on this site.
It's been a while for me...
10. Another one of my teams that hasn't recovered from a big loss, this one being the first blowout against Florida. The team has played scared, and Tressel has coached scared in big games, ever since.

I don't think they were playing scared. They were playing out of their league. In the past few years both the Big 10 and the Pac 10 have become weak conferences. The Buckeyes don't realize how weak they are because they beat up on other Big 10 teams and their non-conference schedule is always a joke.

Even though the Pac 10 in general is a bunch of patsies, USC is for real. They show it year in and year out by their non-conference schedule---no creampuffs there.
1 - The Yankees fired Yogi Berra in 1964 for losing a 7 game World Series. They did not return to the first division for a generation, finishing 25 games out of first place in 1965. You think people would learn.

3 - The thing wrong with the 2008 Yankees is the same thing wrong with the 1965 Yankees. O L D .

4 - Rays are a bunch of guys having a "career year". This happens. Fall to earth coming next year.

7 - Cubs lose. Cubs lose. THEEEEEEEEEEE Cubs lose.

18 - Why would anybody be a football referee? Officials in other sports are a full time job and not a bad unionized living, but football officials are insurance salesmen and junior high principals and such. Why do it?

27 - No offence to NYC, but in the last six months, XM has gone from a national sports talk service to a NYC sports talk service. Sad.

Howcome people use the phrase "distaff", which is a part of a spinning wheel, for "female"? Of all the things the PC cops got, that seems like it would have been first.

5 - I know how much Bud Light loves the Brewers. That makes watching them lose so much fun.
1. Torre and the Yankees had gone as far they could. In the end it was better for both.

2. The Yankees could do Girardi a big favor and start turning over the lineup. Jeter, A-Rod, Posada maybe even Matsui are too set in their ways to be influenced by Girardi.

4. If the people in the Tampa Bay Area don't care yet, why should we.

15. Chick Flick. :D

18. Everybody needs to get over this Non-Story already. ENOUGH!

22. Go to a Sports Bar or even better a good Sports Book in Vegas on Sunday and try watching 7 games at a time, it's an amazing atmosphere.

27. Most Sportstalk radio is vapid ranting or dull non-sports fluff. The only decent host on ESPN Radio is Jason Smith, but even he does too much non-sports fluff.
If Bob Kemp was smart , he'd should start syndexing his show from Phoenix.
I don't think they were playing scared. They were playing out of their league. In the past few years both the Big 10 and the Pac 10 have become weak conferences. The Buckeyes don't realize how weak they are because they beat up on other Big 10 teams and their non-conference schedule is always a joke.

Even though the Pac 10 in general is a bunch of patsies, USC is for real. They show it year in and year out by their non-conference schedule---no creampuffs there.

It's fashionable right now to kick the Buckeyes while they're down, and as a disgusted fan I'm leading the parade. But let's look at some facts before we declare Ohio State dead forever.

In all three games in which they were blown out they did score first, and threatened to make it a game each time. I said they played scared against USC, because as soon as something went wrong, the team folded. Don't forget, the OSU offense took it to the vaunted USC defense on their first possession, then drove the field once again the second time they had the ball. That's where things started to unravel, with penalties and mistakes totally taking them out of their game. You could see the 'Here we go again' looks on their faces, and that includes Jim Tressel.

But don't forget, aside from the last two championship games Ohio State has acquitted themselves well over the years in bowl games, incluing winning a championship game in 2003. And the Big Ten as a whole didn't do too badly last year, including 'cream puff' Michigan beating Florida on New Years Day. And you want to talk about scheduling creampuffs? USC plays Notre Dame every year! :D

Ohio State did play a home and home with Texas when they had Vince Young and the year after, and of course they traveled to USC this year. Let's see if you're going to post how USC is out of Ohio State's league in two years, when they come to the Horseshoe. Terrell Pryor will be a junior, both teams will likely have a couple of more top ten recruiting classes under their belts, and the outcome could be very different.

I still think Ohio State could make one of the other four BCS games.

They won't play an SEC team- they'll play Texas Tech/Missouri... and give up 60. :D:D

BTW, have you noticed Visitor's Lighthouse-landers avatar?

I haven't heard an Icelander joke in months.
It's fashionable right now to kick the Buckeyes while they're down, and as a disgusted fan I'm leading the parade. But let's look at some facts before we declare Ohio State dead forever.

In all three games in which they were blown out they did score first, and threatened to make it a game each time. I said they played scared against USC, because as soon as something went wrong, the team folded. Don't forget, the OSU offense took it to the vaunted USC defense on their first possession, then drove the field once again the second time they had the ball. That's where things started to unravel, with penalties and mistakes totally taking them out of their game. You could see the 'Here we go again' looks on their faces, and that includes Jim Tressel.

But don't forget, aside from the last two championship games Ohio State has acquitted themselves well over the years in bowl games, incluing winning a championship game in 2003. And the Big Ten as a whole didn't do too badly last year, including 'cream puff' Michigan beating Florida on New Years Day. And you want to talk about scheduling creampuffs? USC plays Notre Dame every year! :D

Ohio State did play a home and home with Texas when they had Vince Young and the year after, and of course they traveled to USC this year. Let's see if you're going to post how USC is out of Ohio State's league in two years, when they come to the Horseshoe. Terrell Pryor will be a junior, both teams will likely have a couple of more top ten recruiting classes under their belts, and the outcome could be very different.


Sandra, I defended our Buckeye's in this post...


If you haven't read it yet, it breaks down all of the Buckeye's key wins in big games and all of their Bowl game results since 2002. OSU is and has been a top tier program for years. It's a shame, 3 games are overshadowing everything else they've accomplished in the Tressel led regime.

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