I conversed with tech support at Dish about this issue.... guess what?
They essentially claim that none of us should be getting any guide data for any of the -01 channels. That some of us do get guide data, is an accident. I find this hilarious that I'm supposed to believe that the guide data for everyone's -01 channels is there by some kind of accidental software bug! I've also noticed recently that my guide data for 005-01 will come and go on it own. Sometimes it is there and sometimes it is not (spread across about 4 hours of time in the evenings). Also, I had a scheduled recording that went off when it was supposed to and recorded the show it was supposed to. However, in the DVR menu the recording was titled "Digital Service".
Here is the reply I got from Dish Tech Support when I asked about the randomly missing guide data for 005-01:
Thank you for your e-mail. From what I understand, our receivers are not designed to pass through the PSIP data. With that in mind, you should not be getting guide data from any multi-cast channels. You will see guide info from OTA digital channels only if DISH carries them, and if you subscribe to the local package through us. As we don't carry the multi-cast channels, we don't have that guide data.
We have had instances reported (similar to yours) where the PSIP data actually gets through the receiver and incorporated into the guide. However, because our software is not designed to support this, we currently cannot offer a way to fix this for the channels that do not display the information. I will go ahead and send in my report to the engineering team describing what we've discussed here to see if PSIP data is something that we may be able to support in the future.
I do realize that this hinders the ability to record from those channels. However, you can still set up manual timers without the need for an on screen guide.
To create a Manual Event Timer:..."