Rainier Encore D9865H

I have to say I really enjoy that Rainier site though. The design out of the 90's is fascinating. The weird marketing buzz words Glen uses, the strange capitalization. The endless blog posts about how "Were" (Glen doesn't know what apostrophes are apparently) the future of C-Band. His little graphics and the way he phrases things is strangely entertaining.

Pure1080. LOL.

These are sad times we are living in when a 7 Mbps H.264 channel is considered "ultra high bandwidth HD". I mean, as nice as the C-band feeds are, most of them are still really overcompressed and the material is still losing a lot of detail that could be retained with higher bitrates (20+ Mbps). Most of the networks settle for something in the 3-9 Mbps range. The cable companies and pizza pan satellite companies have just lowered the bar so much that these 3-9 Mbps uplinks look impressive when compared to the re-encoded junk that the pizzas and the cables dish out.

They still pale in comparison to the quality offered by a Blu-ray or even Amazon and Netflix's 1080p streams, and especially Amazon and Netflix's 4K streams. Amazon has cleaner sources that they produce their encodes from and uses much better encoding settings than the realtime H.264 encoders these networks use at their uplinks so even at similar bitrates, material on their Prime Video service looks a lot better than the TV broadcast on the C-band network feed.

The only web sources that linear channels are still better quality than are direct network web sources. A&E Networks, for example distributes all their programs via the web on their websites/apps using terrible 720p H.264 @ 3 Mbps. But if you buy their content on Amazon's PrimeVideo service, it will look better than the A&E network feeds on C-band, because Amazon's version will be available at 1080p with good bitrates. But of course, not everything is available on Blu-ray, or even available to stream on Amazon or Netflix, so for that material that still has no Blu-ray and lacks a good web distribution source, that is when C-band is a real gem. Live PD for example, A&E doesn't put up on Amazon so the only way to watch it is that terrible 720p version from A&E's website or on A&E's 1080i channel. And the 1080i channel clearly wins in this scenario.

I overall agree with the premise that what DirecTV, Dish, the cable cos and the telcos repackage and sell is crap, but claiming that the C-band uplinks of these channels have better than Blu-ray quality, them's fightin' words. That is just a bold faced lie.

The only cases where that claim may sometimes be true is with a high bitrate backhaul wildfeed but he is not referring to backhaul feeds.

Anyways, even though I know y'all hate him, I do kind of hope Glen is successful in his business, as much of a longshot as C-band may be. It would be nice if it was actually possible to just buy a subscription to most of these networks' master uplinks directly instead of having to buy some re-encoded piece of crap version of those channels from the cable company or DirecTV/Dish's offerings, and have to deal with their picking what channels you can get instead of you being able to pick the channels you want. Customers being able to get programming directly from the network of their choosing without obnoxious middlemen like DirecTV/Dish is going to be the future, but it is going to be through the Internet and not through satellites.

When you have friends stopping by that have DirecTV or Dish and they can't believe how clear my channels are, even most of the SD channels, doesn't speak well of the pizza pan dishes. Sadly, some of these friends had BUD's and trashed them. We also discussed Dish's receivers and their quirks, of which there were several. One receiver discussed was Dish's PVR's.

This guy was on his 3rd receiver in less than a year, and the problem he was having is still there. It takes forever to switch channels, and when he's moves through the guide, it locks up and the only way to fix it is to unplug it, plug it back in and let it reboot. Every time he does that it takes at least 15 minutes to reload the guide and get back to where he can watch it.

When he records something, it's not unusual for it to lock up in the middle of recording. Even when we were installing Dish, their receivers were substandard, and their referbs were trash. I've got 480i channels on my BUD that's far better than his HD channels. Even before Dish, EchoStar's IRD's were plagued with power supply problems and they ran extremely hot.

Had one customer whose EchoStar receiver caught fire and set the drapes on fire when they were watching TV. Had they not been home, their house would have burned down. I'm glad we never sold them. If Dish was ever big on quality electronics, I never saw it. :)
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I love this "review" on Rainier's site:

Francis Boudreaux, Vicksburg, MS.

Rainier Satellite Reviews

"Them Rainier people know how to make a feller feel good an welcome. My TV never looked so goshdarn purty in my life. Had some locals setter up for me and they did a mighty fine job. Get setup an y'all will never want nothin else."

I bet he thinks everybody in Mississippi goes around barefoot and everyone has one tooth, LOL
I love this "review" on Rainier's site:

Francis Boudreaux, Vicksburg, MS.

Rainier Satellite Reviews

"Them Rainier people know how to make a feller feel good an welcome. My TV never looked so goshdarn purty in my life. Had some locals setter up for me and they did a mighty fine job. Get setup an y'all will never want nothin else."

I bet he thinks everybody in Mississippi goes around barefoot and everyone has one tooth, LOL

That's hilarious. But doesn't surprise me; before I moved to the Kansas City region people used to ask me if the roads were paved and if cattle roam the streets. You have to drive quite a ways out of town for that experience.

I love this "review" on Rainier's site:

Francis Boudreaux, Vicksburg, MS.

Rainier Satellite Reviews

"Them Rainier people know how to make a feller feel good an welcome. My TV never looked so goshdarn purty in my life. Had some locals setter up for me and they did a mighty fine job. Get setup an y'all will never want nothin else."

I bet he thinks everybody in Mississippi goes around barefoot and everyone has one tooth, LOL
Likely just one of glen's personas talking to himself ;)
Now on their forum, Glen is promoting his biggest lie yet... Hobbyists reception of unencrypted FTA programming is illegal. Huh?

Yet, Rainier programmed packages include FTA channels and the inclusion is promoted on their website (they rename these FTA channels - freeview). Why would Glen include FTA channels in his Rainier package if the viewing of these channels is illegal? Does this make sense to anyone else?

What a lying hypocrite! PATHETIC...
Now on their forum, Glen is promoting his biggest lie yet... Hobbyists reception of unencrypted FTA programming is illegal. Huh?

Yet, Rainier programmed packages include FTA channels and the inclusion is promoted on their website (they rename these FTA channels - freeview). Why would Glen include FTA channels in his Rainier package if the viewing of these channels is illegal? Does this make sense to anyone else?

What a lying hypocrite! PATHETIC...

I guess he figures if he isn't making money off of it, it must be "illegal."
I love this "review" on Rainier's site:

Francis Boudreaux, Vicksburg, MS.

Rainier Satellite Reviews

"Them Rainier people know how to make a feller feel good an welcome. My TV never looked so goshdarn purty in my life. Had some locals setter up for me and they did a mighty fine job. Get setup an y'all will never want nothin else."

I bet he thinks everybody in Mississippi goes around barefoot and everyone has one tooth, LOL
Yeah I have read those reviews. You can tell they are so fake! If you are going to fake reviews, at least make them believable. :rolleyes:
Someone had emailed that he is now claiming that Rainier has "several thousand" subscribers. So I guess the lies are only getting bigger and more outrageous.

Amazing that two years ago an inside source told me that there were less than a hundred paying subscribers and also heard a separate confiming estimate of how many Cisco receivers had been shipped. Now, less than two years later there are several thousand subscribers?

I call BS on his delusional lie. Drop a zero from this rediculous claim and I wouldn't even believe that number.

Who are these mystery subscribers? Any member know anyone that has or had a Rainier subscription? You would think that members would know someone if there were several thousand or even several hundred subscribers? In the 5 years since the Rainier service was announced, I have only heard of two confirmed subscribers and know one installer that serviced one. In such a small community of satellite enthusiasts, this doesn't add up....

Your thoughts?
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I've never come across anybody that admitted having a sub to his "service".

Come to think of it, anybody that WOULD be likely to subscribe and pay all that money, would NEVER be one of us hobbyists. They could possibly be somebody that has an ancient system they updated enough with an older pirate box say 10 years ago, and finally went to see if there was anything "new" out there and unfortunately found his site. If so, they'd never likely ADMIT they were scammed by him.

P.s. Wasn't there a guy (can't remember poster name) who posted at Hyper's site 'way back, that CLAIMED he was a "beta-tester" for Rainier?
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We should all band together and start up a C-band pay TV service reboot. Something like "Satelliteguys.TV." Titanium and KE4EST could design a kick-butt STB that decrypts all known formats legally, giving you access to high quality channels at an affordable price. No BS, no shady marketing.

Hey, I can dream, right!? :D
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We should all band together and start up a C-band pay TV service reboot. Something like "Satelliteguys.TV." Titanium and KE4EST could design a kick-butt STB that decrypts all known formats legally, giving you access to high quality channels at an affordable price. No BS, no shady marketing.

Hey, I can dream, right!? :D

Your dream, their nightmare. I don't think there's enough of a viable pool of people with c-band dishes out there to let a service such as that ever have a profit... I know I wouldn't pay money to sub at this point.
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BUT, I think you made a good point primestar31 when you say there aren't enough viable customers out there. I think that's probably why Rainier is so desperate...

Doesn't make it right, but just sayin'.
BUT, I think you made a good point primestar31 when you say there aren't enough viable customers out there. I think that's probably why Rainier is so desperate...

Doesn't make it right, but just sayin'.

Well, then again, Jeff Schumann of Manhattan-Digital keeps posting at Hyper's site every so often, and claims they are just about ready to roll out this super receiver in a few months, that'll allow us to sub to sat programming, AND will have an ATSC 3.0 tuner in it. Which will be amazing, since ATSC 3.0 in the USA hasn't even got specs written for it, nor have they decided exactly how they'll get it to work. It will NOT be exactly the same version as the one already rolled out in South Korea. So those tuners that might work here don't even exist as of yet.
claims they are just about ready to roll out this super receiver in a few months, that'll allow us to sub to sat programming

There would have to be a program supplier though, right? To collect payment and authorize boxes and all that. And none exist, right? (unless there are deals going on behind the scenes somewhere?)
There would have to be a program supplier though, right? To collect payment and authorize boxes and all that. And none exist, right? (unless there are deals going on behind the scenes somewhere?)

Sure, but they would never let slip any sort of development deal with Jeff, as it would likely be under a non-disclosure basis until they really are ready to roll it out. I just don't see it happening, but who knows until he finally says "it's ready" or "it's dead, Jim".
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Sure, but they would never let slip any sort of development deal with Jeff, as it would likely be under a non-disclosure basis until they really are ready to roll it out. I just don't see it happening, but who knows until he finally says "it's ready" or "it's dead, Jim".

Well, I'd probably try it. As long as the STB isn't horrendously expensive. I guess it would need to be able to process Powervu, DCII, and BISS for the US, right?
Well, I'd probably try it. As long as the STB isn't horrendously expensive. I guess it would need to be able to process Powervu, DCII, and BISS for the US, right?

Not if he uplinks his own batch of services in whatever newer encryption he decides to use. Then it only needs to decode that. It likely won't be any of those you mention, since they are all compromised.

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