RAI: Pope is unconsciousness?

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T2k said:
La Santa Sede ha ufficialmente smentito la notizia della morte di Giovanni Paolo II. La smentita arriva dopo che negli ultimi minuti si erano drammaticamente alternate notizie e voci sulla fine dell'agonia del Papa.
Bad bablefish translation:
The Sede Saint has officially refuted the news of the dead women of Giovanni Paul II. The refutation arrives after that in the last minuteren they were dramatically alternated news and voices on the end of the agony of the Pope.
his christian name is called three times, if no response, he is hit in the fore head with a silver hammer bearing the seal of the keys of rome , the papal ring is removed from his finger and crushed with the same hammer, all bells in rome peal for 5 minutes and all catholic church bells ring world wide when romes come to a halt

DRAGON, yeah im roman catholic
Il cardinale Ratzinger, il decano del Collegio cardinalizio, ha varcato il cancello di Sant'Anna, per entrare in Vaticano.

Ratzinger is arriving - he's the 'boss' within cardinals...
Well, although I still maintain hopes in his recovery, most of the agencies say end of the road is close... :no:no:no
What's interesting is that late night RAI News published the last official Vatican word which said the Pope has stabilised in the condition we've been told before.
According to La Repubblica, the guards opened both gates, so Pope is still alive:

Aperte entrambe le ante del portone di bronzo Poco prima delle 8.00 di questa mattina le guardie svizzere hanno aperto entrambe le ante del portone di bronzo, l'ingresso vaticano che attraverso la scala reggia conduce al palazzo apostolico. E' consuetudine che alla morte del Papa venga chiusa una delle ante del portone.

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