WELL, directv's PROMISED new website in summer never happened, no new hdtv nds box in fall, so they can sump old product, r15 lied about in august,
so when is directv and their bait and switch advertising gonna actually roll this crap out ?
by the way, i say bait and switch, cause i got an email from them in jan 05 promising specific dates
O and ya directv defenders, dont say, well geee unforseen things popped up... then dont brag in emails about guarnteed dates stuff happen by
so when is directv and their bait and switch advertising gonna actually roll this crap out ?
by the way, i say bait and switch, cause i got an email from them in jan 05 promising specific dates
O and ya directv defenders, dont say, well geee unforseen things popped up... then dont brag in emails about guarnteed dates stuff happen by