1. Regarding the value of the coming OTA USB product: Ask if providing AT LEAST OTA program guide data for Antenna TV, This TV, and MeTV across the country (L.A. has data for This and Antenna, but NOT METV) is a technical problem (they are working on) or how they plan to address that. Those 3 OTA multiplex channels are among the most popular and now even the #1 reason I want OTA integration with the Hopper, but it will be of NO good use without the guide data. Such a fix would add tremendous value to the Dish box.
2. Ask them to explain why MANUAL Timers are NOT available with the Hopper (at least that is what I thought was stated on this forum, and we all know about the lack of it on the 922), and I don't always want to go to the internet to do this. It would seem that it would be easy to have the manual timer feature that exists on all the legacy boxes, AND a manual timer would help dealing with NO GUIDE DATA for some OTA's. Will we ever see a manual timer for the new XiP's?