Would it be possible for back-to-back DVR recordings on the same channel to each be padded at the front and end? I.e. there would be identical video in each of the recordings. Right now back-to-back recordings on the same channel don't get either the front or end paddings, which can lead to the beginnings or endings of programs being in the wrong recording. It seems to me that the DVRs could write their video buffers to both recordings simultaneously in order to preserve the proper paddings.
I feel like I've done a poor job explaining this, but I'm struggling to come up with better wording. Please respond if clarification is necessary.
I understand exactly what you are saying, and I also find it frustrating. CBS and ABC do this a lot with their sitcoms - the end of one will run 15-30seconds over into the start time of the second one. Not only do you have to start the second recording to see the end of the first one, but you always lose a several second gap - which is usually a final punchline. If you made the mistake of watching the second show first - and then delete it - you later get to the end of the first show and realize you've already deleted the ending.