QUESTION - What Bugs or Usability Issues do you have with your Hopper?

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With timers set to "New" it will skip a conflicted one and record the next one. Just like 722, no problems. With a show set to "New and Reruns" it will record EVERY SINGLE INSTANCE of that show. The 722 knew which ones were already recorded, and didn't double up everything. So far, only my wife's Brazilian soaps have this happen, since Dish doesn't recognize a first run episode as "new." So, I can set the timer for "New" and get nothing, or set it to "New and Reruns" and manually skip the duplicate events.
And still getting pink screen, now almost every time I wake the Hopper from standby.

PTAT is working the way it was designed, you don't have to look at the whole list unless you want to find a show, and you can use folders to reduce the number of icons. You actually want to go through 12 or more icons a night to delte the ones you don't want? How about just saving the ones you do want. The next day, previous night's shows will always be on the first page if you left sort as DVR date. Different doesn't mean not user friendly, neither does having far more capability.

Recording a series is simple! Click on the show in the guide, instead of "record this" select "record series", and the most logical sellection is the default if you just select enter. If it's a "new" episode the default is new episodes, if it is a rerun that you clicked on the default is "new and old". If you don't want default, AL editing options are there on one menu. How is that more complicated than the earlier DVRs? "Record this" option for first click is an improvement over earlier DVRs.
The main problem I have is setting the hopper to automatically send recordings from ptat to specific folders...sometimes it puts them in no folder (folder) and sometimes it doesn't put them in any of my folders so we really have to keep an eye on what is being recorded. I am sure this bug will be fixed, just a matter of when. Other then that can't wait for the hopper to be able to see each other and I can then send recordings from one dvr to another. :-)
Not sure what you intended with the smiley face, but you know that once the Hoppers connect, it will just be appear to be one big Hopper, right? I haven't seen anything to indicate there will be any distinction between Hopper 1 and Hopper 2 at that point.
Not sure what you intended with the smiley face, but you know that once the Hoppers connect, it will just be appear to be one big Hopper, right? I haven't seen anything to indicate there will be any distinction between Hopper 1 and Hopper 2 at that point.

Not yet, they will be separate until a future software download....
I had 1 Hopper and no Joeys plus a Sling adapter installed today. Software is at S204 so some of the following may have already been fixed, but didn't see them listed in the preceding 33 pages.

1) When PTAT is active, the Record This button in the Info screen for a program in the guide results in "Error Recording In Progress". The viewing status screen shows PTAT on timer 3 and the other two show Watching ... However if you press the Record button for the show you're watching, it'll go into record as expected.

2) I have confirmed that the Hopper ties up two tuners for PIP use. That is, there are always two tuners in the Watching state.

3) When Sling connects, it locks out PIP even if the 3rd tuner is available. This makes sense since Sling needs a decoder but it wasn't obvious until I thought about it.

4) From Dish OnLine and Dish Remote Access (, switching channels on live TV hangs playback. I need to quit my browser and launch it again, then the channel I changed to appears when I go back to Dish OnLine/DRA. I got an update to the sling plug-in today. Browser: Safari or FireFox on Mac OS 10.7. I also get a LOT of "streaming interrupted" errors and freezes, No Video Signal, .... Very flakey!

5) Seek and Record timers are not shown in Dish OnLine.

6) Seek and Record timers can not be edited. They must be deleted and recreated.

7) While the information that appears when you change channels or press Cancel is displayed, the colored buttons and other things like PIP and Swap do not function.

8) Material on the external hard drive(s) do not appear in Dish OnLine.

9) HDMI output starts at 480i during boot-up then switches to 720p for a while then finally to the selected 1080i as the Acquiring Satellite dialog appears. It would seem best to stay in 480i until the selected display rate can be determined.

10) Paging tile lists is two rows at a time with three rows visible. I'd prefer to see page up and down move a full page (three rows, generally).

11) Cursoring down to the the last (partial) row of a tile list isn't possible unless there's a tile underneath. You should be able to cursor down and have the last tile in the row selected. E.g., if you are on the 5th tile and there are only 3 tiles in the row below, cursor down does nothing. You need to cursor left to the 3rd tile then down.

12) as others have posted, I'd like to see a list vs tile option for DVR and possibly menus.

While the menus and displays look very much like the 922 which I had before, the menu has been rearranged to improve navigation. There are more sub-menus which means fewer tiles to scroll through but more selections to get to the menu you need.

I'm pretty impressed with the state of Hopper less than 1 month after release.
After a few days of having the hopper, almost all of the thumbnail icons representing recorded events on both the hopper and my external harddrive populated. Now, a few days later, the ones on the hopper are still there but about three quarters of the ones on my external harddrive have been replaced by a solid gray box. Strangely, if I go into the transfer screen to view the events to move from the external harddrive to the hopper, the thumnails are correctly showing while I am selecting the events to move. They revert back to the gray box when I am done and look at them through the normal DVR screen. Why would this be and how can I fix it? Thanks.
In daily schedule, sometimes it duplicates days and timers, but not the same. For example, right now, I have Thursday recordings twice, but Friday twice. The first Friday has a duplicate of Thursdays recordings.

I just noticed this as well.
I have a 1 Hopper/3 Joeys setup connected to 4 HDTVs. My system was installed 4/3/2012. I upgraded from two Duo VIP 722's setup. The Hopper is connected to my broadband/home network via a hardwired Ethernet cable.

So far I have experienced the following issues:

  1. When I access the "TV services in use" screen the events shown playing and/or recording on each tuner does not always match what is actually being watched. Also the screen often shows 2 different events being watched simultaneously on 1 tuner when none of the other TV's/Joey's is on.
  2. Also, when I hit the record button on a program I'm watching, the "TV services in use" screen shows 2 tuners being used; one for live TV and one for the recording, even though I'm watching the recorded version of the event.
  3. My Joey's invariably shuts off while I'm watching a program.
I'm getting "recordings skipped by user" for some events. they are not being recorded and skipped yet i did not skip them. This feels like the 922 missed recording bug has hopped to the Hopper! :D:D
I had two Hoppers and one Joey installed recently. The installers arrived at 4pm and went home at 6:30pm. The only hiccup was my LG TV failed to see the second Hopper signal at first. The installers got another from the truck same issue, finally I unplugged the TV for a minute, plugged back in and we had a signal connection. The downloads took 20 minutes or so for the Hoppers and less for the Joey.
I'm mirroring off the Joey and one Hopper to SD TV's with no issues.
One interesting thing was for the first few hours the resolution on my new Samsung did not look as good as it had previously with the 922. Within 12 hours things had cleared. The icons in menus and the guide looked fuzzy at first also, they cleared too.
My EHD works without issue with one exception, the thumbnails icons things in some cases did not appear, about 50% are missing, title, info, etc. are normal and programming works, just no thumbnails or icons?
I installed a Sling Adapter, once contacted and reconnected it works fine on my Mac. The PrimeTime recording is interesting, no issues with limited timers either (there has been reports of cutoffs). 922 remotes work with Hoppers and Joey also. I've read they have limitation, I haven't seen any though, I think I read the restore feature does not work with the 922 remotes, no deal breaker for me though.
I will welcome the Hoppers being able to share...hopefully soon (there's a message in the DVR section that Hopper sharing is coming soon) so I'm hopeful.
I got the S2.07 software update last night, I haven't noticed any differences though.
So far a pleasant experience, the installers knew their business and the unit out of the box is light years ahead of what the vip922 was when I got it 2 years ago.
Fingers crossed.......;)
4) From Dish OnLine and Dish Remote Access (, switching channels on live TV hangs playback. I need to quit my browser and launch it again, then the channel I changed to appears when I go back to Dish OnLine/DRA. I got an update to the sling plug-in today. Browser: Safari or FireFox on Mac OS 10.7. I also get a LOT of "streaming interrupted" errors and freezes, No Video Signal, .... Very flakey!
Dish OnLine seems stable now. Channel changes on live TV works fine. No dropped connections. Software S207 installed last night. Don't know if it's the new software, just a reboot or ????

The Viewing Status screen is only showing tuners in use/available. (At least for me with 1H/0J.) There's nothing about anything playing back off the DVR. Showing status for playback activities is most important when Sling is involved since it uses one of Hopper's decoders disabling PIP. There's no indication of why PIP won't work if Sling isn't streaming live from one of the tuners.

I also wonder if with Joeys involved, how you join a DVR playback in another room if you can't see playback status of all devices in the system.
Kaywindrem, You wrote: I also wonder if with Joeys involved, how you join a DVR playback in another room if you can't see playback status of all devices in the system

I join a DVR playback in another room from my Joey/Hopper with the following sequence:

  1. Pause the show you want to join.
  2. Go to the Joey/Hopper in the other room and press the DVR button and then select the paused movie/show you want to see
  3. This will open an option dialog box (More Info, Edit, Delete, Start Over. Select the 'More Info" option
  4. Then select the 'Watch' option. After selecting the 'Watch' option, if there is a paused show, you will see an additional option to resume the paused show. Take that option and you're good to go. If there isn't a paused show, selecting the 'Watch" option will take you straight to the event you selected.

FYI. The movie/show will stayed paused in the other room until you resume it from that room.
I noticed when I first started moving some shows from my EHD to the hopper, it would show for example, 8% of hard drive full with 12 recordings. But I noticed this morning after I've recorded several shows that it now it says your hard drive is 0% full with 55 recordings. So how am I supposed to truly know how much space I have left when it shows 0% full?
I noticed when I first started moving some shows from my EHD to the hopper, it would show for example, 8% of hard drive full with 12 recordings. But I noticed this morning after I've recorded several shows that it now it says your hard drive is 0% full with 55 recordings. So how am I supposed to truly know how much space I have left when it shows 0% full?
This happened with the 922 also, after several days...a week it settled down and was presumedly accurate. I assume since the softwares are similar the hopper will follow suit.....hopefully.
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Dish and First Run Movies

Joey and EHD?

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