If you are going this route, you might want to seriously consider upgrading at least one of those other receivers to an HD DVR as well - while there would probably be a small one-time upgrade cost, the monthly cost is STILL going to be $6, regardless if a receiver is a DVR or not. The WHD willl still allow ALL DVR receivers to share recordings amongst themselves, while STILL allowing non-DVR receivers to watch ANY of the DVR's. Most people I deal with, after explaining the limitations of using non-DVR receivers w/WHD, elect to add more DVR's instead & REALLY are happy they did after they get it in!
I apologize for going a bit off-topic here, but if I get a second DVR, would I have to set it up to record all the same shows as I do on the main DVR, or will it add and delete shows whenever I do the same on the main DVR if I have the whole-house DVR setup? I wouldn't want to have to schedule recordings and delete them in 2 rooms every time I watch something--it seems like that would defeat the purpose of the whole-house DVR. But if it automatically synchronises the DVRs, then sure, I can request 2 DVRs.