OTHER Question about using a Directv Satellite Dish with a FTA reciever.

I think what I might try to do is save up some money & get a 1.8m satellite dish. I found one for sale here. I don't know what the shipping & handling is though (I have yet to figure that out.). Here's the datasheet for the Satellite Dish i am looking at. Does anyone know where if there is a website that I can get one for a little bit less? I tried looking on EBay for one, but I couldn't find one that size.
I'm not sure where in Missouri you are but I'm near STL and have a used nice 6' mesh c band setup. I just recently went to a 7.5', In this area the 6' is plenty the only issue I had was adjacent satellite interference in the center 89-101 due to a smaller dish. I was going to tear the dish down for storage as they are getting harder to find. I do not have an extra actuator so you will need a new one. unless you go fixed or hand move. Everything else is there. I had this dish in service since 2000 LMK.

OTHER What do I need to connect a PLL LNB to a feed horn?

OTHER CW700S w/old setup!
