Last year I had service installed on Jan. 21 and my bill went up in Feb. I was not told there would be a price increase and I did not know a company could raise the price while you're under contract. I initially got service with a standard reciever, no DVR because I did not want to pay the added DVR fee. With the price increase and the new DVR advantage packages there was not much price difference between having a DVR and not having one. Considering I had DISH for such a short time I called and asked if I could switch to DVR Adv. I was told by the 2 or 3 reps I spoke to that I would have to pay $100 for a tech to come out and swap out the reciever for a DVR. I explained that I just had my service installed and had I known about the price and package changes I would've gotten a DVR upfront. I thought my request was reasonable, I wasn't asking for a price adjustment but it did not matter, the reps did not seem to care, and I was fuming

, Well thanks to this site I found out about the CEO dept. and emailed them. I got a response back pretty quickly and they agreed that I could switch to DVR adv for NO charge and they sent a tech out pretty quickly. When the tech came I told him of my dilemma with DISH and he was pretty appalled.
So yes, unless anything has changed (and it sounds like it has not) expect a price increase on your second bill. I agree that it seems like really poor business practice to raise rates on new customers, there should be some kind of grace period in my opinion.