Question about PC tuner system

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Not that I am aware of.

I have two old boards,

The dead one that was replaced with the newer Intel board was a Gigabyte GA-X48-DQ6 and it's manual says DDR2

The one that is in my satellite HTPC system is a Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L/S3L and it too also says DDR2 in it's manual.

I compared the sticks and they are very different, no way to put one in the other.. :(

Anyway, I played the fool card again and ordered MORE memory. I ordered that Silicon Power 8gb memory from

I wanted to get the ball rolling so it would get here ASAP. I know they won't process it until Monday morning. I have Prime so I get free two day shipping so it should be here late Tuesday or Wednesday at the worst.
I hope I didn't mess up, again..

I have no idea what to do with those other 4gb memory sticks I bought, I can't use them in anything so they just go in the junk drawer, brand new, unused.. :(
If I get off my butt and look to see what ddr2 my core2duo system uses, I might help ya out.
It's running slow ram, but can take 1066 or 1333, as I recall.

No promises; no threats. ;)
(other than to PM you if I figure it out)

PS: I hold out some hope your boyfriend will bring computers which can be stripped of memory, processors, heatsinks, cards, power supplies, or something! :up

PPS: as for Amazon, I recently placed a weekend order, and it hit my front step at 11 am Monday morning ! ;)
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Well forget !!!!!

I ordered that memory with Prime. It said TWO DAY SHIPPING. Now it says "delivery estimate: March 13, 2013 - April 3, 2013"..


Back to the drawing board.....
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Oh wait, never mind!

Newegg has a memory finder app !!

I put in the motherboard number and it gave me a list of memory that will work !!

I found something that will work and is in the price range I have to work with, now that I canceled that order with the IDIOTS at Amazon. 2 months !! They are smoking something there !!

Here's what I'm about to order.....
This has been a truly horrible experience! THIS is why I hate computers !!

I swear, this is it. No more.

THIS is why I bought a Mac. I hate these things and they hate me. And that's fine with me.....

Once I get this garbage running I'm never going to touch it again.

If it dies I'll just buy a Mac Pro Server and be done with it.
That memory should work, but it will probably fill up all of your slots, so you'll be stuck with 8 gigs forever (unless you replace the sticks)...

8 gigs isn't bad, and should run most things you throw at it. Heck, I'm running with 2 gigs now, and having no problems. 8 should be sufficient, unless you intend to do extensive video editing or run many memory-hogging programs at once.
That memory should work, but it will probably fill up all of your slots, so you'll be stuck with 8 gigs forever (unless you replace the sticks)...

8 gigs isn't bad, and should run most things you throw at it. Heck, I'm running with 2 gigs now, and having no problems. 8 should be sufficient, unless you intend to do extensive video editing or run many memory-hogging programs at once.

Well, according to the manual the board only recognizes 8gigs and nothing over that so I should be ok.

Besides, I'll never actually use the computer for anything. I'm just going to save files to it via my two computers.

I also discovered something new called DLNA when I bought a new-ish (refurbished) Blu-ray player which makes all the files available to all my stuff like my fonky HP tablet, my iPhones (I have three) my Mac Pro (it has 32gb of memory! Wheeee!!!) and the windows satellite HTPC.

So what I want to do is set it up so it does Apple and Windows file sharing and of course DLNA. That's all it needs to do. It doesn't even need to have a monitor, keyboard or mouse once I set it up.
I've already got it plugged into my three way HDMI switch so I can switch over to it IF I need to do stuff. And I would think I could run some sort of remote desktop on it so I could control it from my Mac for minor things.
I've done that before between my Mac and the Windows but I can't do that IF it's running the satellite app, it trashes the screen and I have to reboot. Not cool. But if the satellite app is not running, I can operate the windows from my Mac just fine.

BTW, the reason I have 32gigs of memory in my Mac Pro is because I have a Canon EOS 5D Mark II professional DSLR and it takes HUGE photos. I shoot in both JPG and RAW at the same time, I will throw the jpg copies online so people can get a quick look and see what I've done, most people are fine with that and don't know the difference but I have the raw photos that DO make a difference and they are enormous. My average jpg is 12mb and it's parent raw image averages 30mb, each.
In my camera I have a 32gb memory card, it uses the large CF type, not the little SD thingies, those are too small and too slow. When I go on a shoot I carry four 32gb cards with me but I'm finding that to be a problem so I'm looking to upgrade to 64gb or 128gb cards this summer. But they are EXPENSIVE! Anyway, my camera also records 1080p video that will blow your mind. And recording those videos chews up memory like mad.

And editing these videos and photos? OMG.... That's why I got a Mac Pro. I actually wish I could afford their 12 core / 64gb machine. But it's almost as much as a new car... NOT in my budget this year !!

I'll have to make do with what I have for now. And having the server so I can store my work there, that will be sure helpful. And recorded satellite stuff. I've been recording a lot of stuff on the µHD that I want to edit the commercials out of then convert to .mkv and store long term. I also want to buy a gadget to plug into my Dish DVR so I can capture my recordings stored in it and do the same thing. Getting stuff out of that thing is a huge pain. Apparently you have to play them back in real time as a gadget captures the video from it's RGB connectors. I wish I could just take the disk and plug it into my Mac like I can the disk for the µHD.. Well that would just be too easy I suppose.

I am liking the concept (as I understand it) of the ZFS server. I can just add new disks to it and it automatically adds them to a "pool".. And the more disks, the less chance of disaster. It's waaaay over my head of how it works but the general synopsis I've read, sounds really great. I hope... I know that Apple played with ZFS a few years ago then silently dropped it. I know that you can hack it back into the OS if you are adventurous.. Which I'm not.
As long as the server will play nice with the Apple AFP and windows SMB systems I'll be happy. I do know what SMB is but I don't know what CIFS is, I only recently began seeing reference to that when I tried to make my Blu-ray player work on my LAN with the DLNA stuff, which is also new to me. I have more reading to do.. And that's cool, I have the time... :)

Screen Shot 2013-02-17 at 2.34.00 PM.png
I love DLNA, I use mediatomb, a linux DLNA server. And for clients I use WDTV's throughout the house.


I have a WDTV player and for now I am experimenting with PLEX on the satellite machine.
I was fortunate to find that there is a PLEX player for my iPhones and my stupid HP Tablet.

I don't know what I'll end up with as the server is yet to breathe it's first breath... :(

The holiday will probably push the delivery of my memory sticks back into next week. :(

This thing has fought me tooth and nail, very step of the way..
Well, I just put more memory in that board and it does the same exact error, memory failed. So I've come to the conclusion that the board itself is dead.

It was sold to me as "New Old Stock" and was still factory sealed and looked absolutely brand new and unused. It looked as if human hands had never touched it before.

But it's DEAD.. And I am P***ED........ :mad:

I don't know what to do now... :(
I guess I'm going to have to eat that board and memory. I spent almost $200 trying to reuse old junk and all I got out of it was the short end of the stick..

I guess now I'm going to have to spend ANOTHER $300 to buy new, modern junk that will be outdated before the end of the year.
NEW board, NEW memory, NEW CPU...... :mad:

I can't begin to express my anger right now. I have nothing good to say.... :mad:

I'm an idiot..
You can just swap the chip and board that has the quad core from one case to the case that has the pc tuner in it if you haven't tried that yet

I know without any doubt what so ever that the CPU is good. I know without any doubt that the memory is good. The first memory is brand new, I bought it new from Amazon.
The second memory is brand new, I bought it from Newegg.

There is no way that two sets of memory sticks, brand new, from two different vendors is bad.

The main board was sold to me "as new" and was presented on ebay as "New Old Stock" and unused.

I looked at it and it APPEARED to be new.

But I looked on the bottom of the board and I could see what looks like water marks where some sort of gadgets had been bolted to it before and that it had gotten wet then the things removed from the bottom.
It doesn't look right on the bottom side.

The board is listed as "End of Life" and "Discontinued"... I would not be surprised if it was removed from a company upgrade and resold.

There is something definitely wrong with it as it will not give a display using it's built in video or a video card that I put in it.

It doesn't matter if I put the first memory sticks in, the second memory sticks or no memory sticks at all, it gives three beeps, a pause then three beeps again, in an endless loop and it flashes the LED lights the same way.
According to the manual for it that says there is a memory error.

As far as I'm concerned, it's dead.

I went back to ebay and saw that they had a 15 day warranty on it. I purchased it 18 days ago.

When I bought it I THOUGHT it would use the memory sticks I had already. When it came in I discovered it would not. So I never even powered it up, it had no memory sticks.
I had to wait a day to go put money on my debit card so I could order memory from Amazon. It took almost a week for it to come in. When it did it was late at night, UPS delivers about 8pm here.
The memory did not work so I had to again wait until the next day so I could go put money on my card, again.. Then I took a day or two trying to figure out what was the correct memory. When I ordered that memory it took another week to get here which was today. By this time I had gone beyond the 15 day warranty but all that time was spent waiting on memory sticks to come in. The first time, I assumed I just bought the wrong kind of memory. This time I used the Newegg memory find app to tell me which ones to order. It listed this memory as specifically compatible with this board. So NOW I am convinced that I got taken on this deal and was sold used, dead junk.

Hell hath no fury.. I sent them a message on ebay about a return/refund but haven't received a reply. Tomorrow I'm going to call them. IF they jerk me around, they will regret it because I'll flood ebay with the most nasty, vile feedback ever seen before. I'll be all over Facebook with nasty things about them. They better refund my money is all I have to say...

For now this project is 100% dead.

Now I am shopping for a new mainboard, CPU and memory. I'm not trying to reuse the old junk and the memory I bought, I guess I'll try to sell it and get my money back though I'm sure I'll take a big loss on it. BRAND NEW MEMORY.....


I hate computers......

If I had the money I would just go buy a Mac server.
Now I'm really, really :mad:

That memory from Newegg was THEIR FAULT that it didn't work because I used their app to choose it!!!!!!!

They are charging me $8 to restock it and $11 for a UPS return label to send it back !!

I paid $53 for that stuff, it took them almost a week to send it to me..

$53 minus $19 ?????? A $34 refund?????? And I have to burn gas in my car to drive it to the UPS store? KMA !!!!!!!!!!

I'm going off on someone at Newegg later today and they are going to wish they hadn't have picked up the phone today!

Amazon processed my order return and gave me a shipping label to print but they haven't yet told me how much money they will refund me.

This is a nightmare..... Never again....... I swear, never again....
Before you send it back, try to reset the system bios. That is usually necessary after a memmory failure. Somewhere on that motherboard ther is a jumper for that purpose. It should be explained in your manual along with basic bios setings.

I have been in your shoes before, only I didnt have the option to send it back because I bought at a swap meet and the vender headed back to Russia (or Vegas...Who knows). My only salvation was that damn manual.
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LNB problems

re-calibrate a sg-2100 using usuals

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