You would hook the output from one LNB to input 1 on the DiSEqC switch and the output from the other LNB to input 2 on the switch. The output from your DiSEqC switch would go to the receiver. Then you go into your antenna setup (not sure which receiver you have but they all work more-or-less the same) and set each satellite to use either DiSEqC port 1 or DiSEqC port 2, depending on whether the satellite would be circular (DBS) or linear (FSS).
If your circular (LNBC) was connected to port 1, then the satellites at 61.5, 82, 91, 110, 119, and 148 would be set to DiSEqC 'on', port 1. The linear, or LNBL (in this case on port 2) would be used for all other satellites, and for those DiSEqC would be 'on', 'port 2'.
You're just programming the receiver to 'look' at port 1 on your switch for circular satellites (free stuff from Dish Network and Bell satellites) and to 'look' at port 2 for the linear satellites (everything else).