Well, my process started in mid March and I went on my interview April 11. Drug tested the following week and called to check up on things a few days after that. When my call was returned I was told that my driving record wasn't good enough (speeding ticket 3 years ago with a stop sign ticket in 2011) however if my reference checks came back OK they would try to proceed under their "new company policy" which would allow me to be hired. I was also told to think about putting in a 2 week notification to my former employer. It's now coming up on 3 full weeks since we had that talk on the phone, and I know my references had been called last week. Possible they are just waiting on a class to start? I was very optimistic about getting this job until I found out my driving record wasn't perfect. Being a remote tech brings a high level of responsibility with their company car - something of which I would not take lightly.